I won!

Seriously you all have to go over to Rae's blog and read the race report for the first annual BRPTT! So great!

Sunday I did not win anything for sure. Unless there is an award for the runner who put too many miles on her shoes and paid for it with really sore shins and calves and had to walk back. Yuck! That is okay. Everyone needs a lesson in humility every now and then. I went out with my regular crowd Sunday and my left shin and right calf started bothering me pretty soon into the run. I stopped and stretched and slowed way down but it did not get any better. So when I got to the turn for the 5 mile loop I took it. And I walked the 2.5 miles back to the bagel shop. It was cold but at least it wasn't raining or snowing.

Yesterday was about 65 degrees and I would have loved to go running but I didn't because I knew I needed to get into new shoes before I headed out. Hubby and I went out to second sole and I tried on about 5 pairs of shoes. The guy looked at my feet and he says that the asics I have been wearing are way too much stability for me. The other guy also agreed that there is no way I pronate enough to need that much "shoe." So he had me try on a bunch of neutral shoes. I have no clue what that means but he thinks the pain in my right foot I have been having may be because the asics weren't letting me go through my natural range of motion.

So I decided to try out a pair of Mizuno's Wave Riders. They definitely feel different. I am going to try them out tonight and decide if they are keepers.

Hubby and I went out for a 40 minute walk when we got home and since it was so warm we let the cats out on the front porch and we read for awhile. It was a very nice evening.

Now we need to get everything put away so we can have a housewarming party before the holiday's. It is getting there! Slowly but surely!


mouse said...

I've been absent from blogger-land for a while now, but wanted to remember to ask you...

you mentioned in your turkey trot post (great job, by the way. you're so speedy!) what the temp was in B-ville. did you go to high school there? because if so, we totally probably ran against each other in high school. that would be crazy!

Anonymous said...

Hope the new shoes work for ya! Have a happy housewarming party!!

E-Speed said...

mouse- yeah i went to belleville and graduated in 99. I was on cross all four years and i ran track frosh, junior, and senior year. where did you go to high school? not edsel ford or monroe i hope? ;) Those were our big cross rivals.

jen- thanks! hopefully i will have the painting up before that. do you have a tracking number for it?

mouse said...

haha! Monroe! class of '98! that is so crazy! I was co-captain of our cross team senior year, but was usually girl number 7,8, or 9 in terms of ranking... so I probably wasn't much of a threat to you in h.s. I was much better in track... ran middle distances, though (mostly the 800 and 3200 relay).

What a small world!

Anonymous said...

We won't be in Ohio until December 21...

E-Speed said...

dang mouse! i remember you had this girl on your team. She was a beast. Fiercely fast but she had the most awkward running gait I had ever seen! I was usually 1 or 2 on the team but junior and senior years not as much. My big years were freshman and sophmore when I was consistently running under around 21 for the 5k.

I did 800, 1600, 3200, and 3200 relay in track. No wonder I hated it ;)

Bolder said...

hmmm... i need a moderate stability shoe, unfortunately, so if you can go neutral -- then do it!

Rae said...

You're a winner!! I'm so glad a woman won the 1st annual BRPTT! Great rundown, too! What's up with this crazy weather???

E-Speed said...

lets hope these shoes work bolder!

Thanks Rae. I think it was a great idea and your recap of the race was excellent!

BuckeyeRunner said...

Hi Elizabeth! Good luck with the Wave Riders - I ran in them for Towpath, and Cleveland, and I liked them. I hope the work out for you!