
Got in a nice walk with David last night! Man you just never know with this Ohio weather.

While David cooked dinner I planted my Easter flowers. I thought that it might have been too late but this morning they looked to be doing quite well. I will take pictures when more of them bloom.

After dinner I rode on the trainer for 50 minutes. Watched Chicago while doing this. Pretty good vid choice IMHO. The music kept my cadence high while keeping me from getting bored indoors.

Lots of stretching afterwards and then off to bed. I am trying to wait to go to bed until I am tired and let myself naturally wake up. So far it is 50/50. But I have only tried this for 2 days. This morning I actually woke up before the last chance alarm, so that's a start.


Trisaratops said...

This weather is truly schitzo. At least it's nice and sunny! :) I'm getting antsy to get out on the ladies have to kick some butt in the VTCamp for CTC! :)

Afternoon Tea With Oranges said...

Sweet - you've got a husband who cooks! The pizza places make lots of money around here on the nights that my husband is in charge of dinner. :(

Papa Louie said...

Taking walks with your spouse is the best medicine for a marriage.
Have a great weekend. Sorry I'll miss the brick workout with you guys.

Trifrog said...

Lou, is marriage a disease? Is there a cure? ;)

Try this sleep experiment next time you're on vacation at home with few commitments or out of the ordinary training. Go to bed when you're tired; wake up whenever you wake up (pull the shades so your eyelids don't full you). After about 4-5 days of this, your body will be telling you how much sleep you should be getting each night. When you go back to having to get up at a certain time, strive to go to bed to allow for your ideal sleep duration.