
Just got done filing state and federal taxes. What happened to home owners getting all this money back? We are getting like half back from what we got back last year. Maybe that only applies to people who pay PMI or something? Or maybe it's just because we haven't paid much interest for this year since we got the loan in November?


Local taxes are going to be a bear. Apparently Euclid has their own taxes so now I don't just have to file with CCA and RITA but also with Euclid. Wonderful!

THIS is what they should be teaching kids how to do in high school and college! How to file your taxes without stress!


EostreEgg said...

Yeah; I live in one county while in school, worked in another county, and have my legal residence in yet another. And some withhold and some don't. Oh, and I'm still waiting on one of my W2s.

I totally agree that this should be a course somewhere--this and how not to sink oneself in credit card debt. Seriously, how is calculus going to help me with this? :P

psbowe said...

I started doing mine, walked away after getting discourage...

Kurt in Boston said...

Yeah, you probably haven't paid that much interest yet (unless you paid points on the mortgage). Don't worry too much, it will add up for you for years to come.

I am NOT looking forward to taxes this year -- multiple jobs in different states, sorting out the moving expenses (some reimbursed, others not), dissolving a corporation in Kansas, ...

Lucky number 7 said...

Yikes, I guess my hubby and I have it easy!! We just pay 1 person to do them. We also don't have a state tax, but do have federal and property taxes. Lucky for us, we don't own a home yet so it is not too bad or stressful!! Just collect all the neccessary papers, receipts and such and give it to the tax people and a couple of days later, wham you're done!!!

Anonymous said...

Texas doesn't have local or state tax. Isn't THAT a beautiful thing? Only Federal...

Rae said...

You'll get a lot more back next year when you have a full year of interest and property taxes. At least you guys get something back!! We always end up paying, especially not that we've paid our house down so much.