Note to self

When one wakes up at 5 am after 4 hours of sleep and heads out the door at 5:15 to view lightning on the horizon, don't go back upstairs and grab alternate workout clothes, just in case you will be lifting weights instead of swimming, and don't get in your truck and head to North Royalton for the group swim. Go back to bed. No one else will show up and you will waste gas going down there, you will not have a nice relaxing shower at home, but a locker room shower, you will sit by yourself reading a magazine while the staff look at you funny, and you won't get in the workout you got up for in the first place.

On a good note: You will get to work at 7am so you get to leave at 3!


Anonymous said...

Ack Liz---SO sorry. I was too tired last night to even attempt to set my alarm. that SUCKS though. hope you enjoy your afternoon off, at least. see you in the morning at 8...

E-Speed said...

No prob, I should've known better ;)