"The gun goes off and everything changes...the World changes...and nothing else really matters." -Patti Sue Plummer
One More Shout Out
See what happens when I am rushed? I forget people! BW crushed the Cleveland course. Breaking 3 hours and PRing!
Tuesday Track Workout
SolarSquirrel officially started training for our trail marathon last week so we have been doing her FIRST track workouts or something close to it. It's nice because it is building up from last weeks 6*400 so it allows me to recover from my marathons while still getting in a speed workout.
Last night SolarSquirrel stood me up for swimming though! So I did the workout with MT. We warmed up for 10 minutes, did some butt kickers, high bounds, and grapevine drills and then did 4*800 with 400 recoveries.
With the heat and the fact that we both raced Blossom on Sunday I wanted to keep the intensity at a tolerable level. We went for around 5k pace aiming for 3:20 for the 800s.
Not too shabby!
We rounded it off with an easy mile cool down and some light stretching.
Last night SolarSquirrel stood me up for swimming though! So I did the workout with MT. We warmed up for 10 minutes, did some butt kickers, high bounds, and grapevine drills and then did 4*800 with 400 recoveries.
With the heat and the fact that we both raced Blossom on Sunday I wanted to keep the intensity at a tolerable level. We went for around 5k pace aiming for 3:20 for the 800s.
Not too shabby!
We rounded it off with an easy mile cool down and some light stretching.
Cleveland Marathon Shout Outs
I wanted to write a well thought out post on this but SH won't leave me alone until I give him a shout out so here is the quick run down on some of my Cleveland guys who had great days at the Cleveland marathon.
MG made me look bad by not only racing two weeks prior but by winning a 100K 2 weeks prior and racing well at Cleveland with a 2:48.
SH ran a tough race with a major PR and just barely missed the BQ. Major mental improvment in his running (IMHO)
LD and TriEric went off course with the 10K runners but both stayed classy in their responses to the debacle.
My FIL crushed his friends time and got a $50 donation for LLS in the process. It was very fun watching him cross the finish line!
Reddy passed by Daisy and I early on and I chided him asking him what he was doing running faster than me. His run has improved dramatically since Steelhead, he is downright rocking out there.
I got to see several of my CTC guys and my towpath running guys out on the course who were doing the half. It was fun to chat them up and they all did great in the half.
PVR was out on the course to cheer and run with all the SERC peeps as they went by 20. It was so nice to see him out there in the final miles of the race!
Mike from Fit from Fat was out there hauling butt and had a major PR. It was fun catching him around 18 and running a bit with him before stopping to chat with my neighbors.
Great job out there guys!
Report to come soon.
MG made me look bad by not only racing two weeks prior but by winning a 100K 2 weeks prior and racing well at Cleveland with a 2:48.
SH ran a tough race with a major PR and just barely missed the BQ. Major mental improvment in his running (IMHO)
LD and TriEric went off course with the 10K runners but both stayed classy in their responses to the debacle.
My FIL crushed his friends time and got a $50 donation for LLS in the process. It was very fun watching him cross the finish line!
Reddy passed by Daisy and I early on and I chided him asking him what he was doing running faster than me. His run has improved dramatically since Steelhead, he is downright rocking out there.
I got to see several of my CTC guys and my towpath running guys out on the course who were doing the half. It was fun to chat them up and they all did great in the half.
PVR was out on the course to cheer and run with all the SERC peeps as they went by 20. It was so nice to see him out there in the final miles of the race!
Mike from Fit from Fat was out there hauling butt and had a major PR. It was fun catching him around 18 and running a bit with him before stopping to chat with my neighbors.
Great job out there guys!
Report to come soon.
Cleveland Marathon Photos

The lady beside me was in so much pain, you could never tell from the smile on her face here!

So this is what bounce in your step at 26 miles looks like! What a different feeling than at pig!

Is that my donut trying to make a come back? Looks like I could stand to lay off the beer and ice cream ;)

After scrounging through the lost and found I found all of these. Kinda fun to have photos of yourself running in your hometown. The last three I yelled at the photographers that two hot ladies were coming through and we wanted good photos :) B50 has dealt with some recovery issues since JFK but she still looked strong out there!
Flying Pig Photos
Thursday Moment of Zen
It's all about balance today.
This one's a hard pose for me but it is so rewarding on the nights that I achieve this with no wobbling (not that wobbling is bad, it's good that you are getting in touch with your muscles, but you want to stay upright)

The photo links to a very good explanation of Tree Pose if you are interested.
Today I am grateful for my family and that I will be meeting my niece for the first time this weekend. She lives in Phoenix so we haven't met her yet and she is just turning one. We have a lot of lost spoiling to make up for!
This one's a hard pose for me but it is so rewarding on the nights that I achieve this with no wobbling (not that wobbling is bad, it's good that you are getting in touch with your muscles, but you want to stay upright)

The photo links to a very good explanation of Tree Pose if you are interested.
Today I am grateful for my family and that I will be meeting my niece for the first time this weekend. She lives in Phoenix so we haven't met her yet and she is just turning one. We have a lot of lost spoiling to make up for!
Back on Track
Sort Of :)
I finally went back to the track last night and got in a short but semi speedy workout. Nice to know my legs post marathon can still bust out 6 minute pace even if it is only for quarters.
11 minute warm up
5*400 hard, 200 walk
400 easy, med, hard, all out
half mile cool down
400 times:
1:38 (maybe took the easy too easy!)
All of the speedy men who had run great races in Cleveland were there too, doing mile repeats as usual. I guess I still have a long way to go!
I finally went back to the track last night and got in a short but semi speedy workout. Nice to know my legs post marathon can still bust out 6 minute pace even if it is only for quarters.
11 minute warm up
5*400 hard, 200 walk
400 easy, med, hard, all out
half mile cool down
400 times:
1:38 (maybe took the easy too easy!)
All of the speedy men who had run great races in Cleveland were there too, doing mile repeats as usual. I guess I still have a long way to go!
Flying Pig Stomach Issues Solved?
In retrospect I now realize my stomach issues were from too much gatorade. I had thought in the past I drank gatorade at all stations and water just with my gels but in fact in the past I drank gatorade every other station. Lesson learned. I never want to feel like that again. The heat that I wasn't yet acclimated too probably didn't help and getting sick the night before may have been an issue. But I am thinking all that gatorade threw off my electrolyte balance. I should have realized something was wrong when I started missing hand offs at the aid stations. I never miss hand offs on the run.
Flying Pig Marathon 2007- The Wheels Come Off
Mile 20 to 21 were mostly down hill and my pace was okay 7:48. I was now about 38 seconds behind pace and knew I needed to pick it up.
Somewhere around mile 20 I started using the clock to gauge pace instead of my watch. I knew I needed to be 20 seconds ahead of the last clock at each mile in order to make it on time. So I wasn't happy to see those seconds on the clock going the wrong way at 22. 8:05 My brain started to try and calculate paces I would need to get in at 3:25, under 3:26, or PR pace under 3:27. The math seemed to be right and I knew even if I could only hold 8 minute miles I should still PR and maybe sneak in under 3:26.
The course was warming up and I kept taking Gatorade at every station but now I was adding a cup of water to the mix too. Drinking half dumping the rest on my head to cool off.
My quads were starting to cramp and sear with pain and my left calf as always started to sear as well. Each step was becoming more painful and I did my best to run through the pain, but mile 23 that damn clock was still going in the wrong direction. 8:17
I had driven the course a month prior to the race and wondered where the heck the hill was around 24 that all the runners I met last year had complained about. Everything looked pancake flat to me. So I was a bit disdained when from 23 to 24 we were running up a famous false flat and my pace was faltering despite my efforts. 8:49 During this mile I listened as a man asked to borrow a cell from his buddy and proceeded to call his mother to let him know he was coming in ahead of pace. His mother wanted all the details as he assured her he just wanted her to call his coach to let him know he would be there ahead of schedule. Funny how he would take time out to call her but was shocked when he did that she wanted to know details :) She is his mother after all!
At this point I was having a repeat of Columbus all over again. Each mile instead of hitting at 7:41 I was hitting at 8 or slower. Each mile the volunteer would announce my predicted finish time and each mile it would move slowly from 3:24 to 3:25 to 3:26 to 3:29 and with my legs refusing to do their part, the pain and the mental block from this Columbus deja vu I lost it. I had started to miss hand offs at the aid station. Knocking cups out of the volunteers hands rather than making eye contact and getting what I wanted on the first try as usual. Just after the best aid station on the course (to me) where cross country runners were an extreme boost I came upon a tiny but steep hill and I broke. I just couldn't force myself to run up it and for the first time that day I walked. I stopped looking at my watch and just suffered my way to the finish line, giving up all hopes of 3:25 or even a PR. Mile 25 was the longest of the day including two walks uphill at 9:38.
My legs were searing with pain and I remarked to a female beside me that this wasn't how I planned to finish out the day. She said the same. We leap frogged our way to the finish, and I tried my best to pick up pace in the final mile. Laughing at myself for earlier that day thinking this might be my fastest mile. I smiled for photographers but stopped and walked as soon as I passed them. No spectator or draw of the finish chute was getting me going. My friend in pink was in front of me again and I let her pull me to the finish. Mile 26 in 8:23 and the final .2 in 1:46.
I finished in 3:29:39. Good enough for top 50 women and 13th in my age group. Just over 2 minutes behind my PR at Columbus. My second best marathon time.
I felt cheated as I wandered around the finish line stations. I knew deep inside I was ready for 3:25, in my heart I felt I was ready for even faster than that. I was broken not by any of the major hills in the beginning but by false flats and mini bumps in the road towards the finish. I had run on target all day to come up short in the final miles. I think it was harder on me mentally to lose it so late in the day than it would have been if I had been off target the whole way.
My stomach felt off and I searched for potato chips and other edible items. I snarfed down an apple and some water and made my way to the grassy knoll where my friends who had already finished were basking in the sun. I felt like the party pooper. Everyone else had just PR'ed, all of them coming off marathon or ultra runs just three weeks prior. Here I was completely prepared and tapered and I couldn't come out with the planned pace.
I congratulated them all and made some quick phone calls to let loved ones and friends know I was done. As I reached my dad I realized that I was in dire need of a restroom and that my "off" stomach was about to be a full blown system melt down. Can I just say longest most terrifying walk ever. Thank goodness I made it. I threw back two Imodium that I thankfully had in my bag and made the long trek back to my car and then the drive to our friends apartment where I felt like I was going to die for about 3 hours. Having to bail on the post marathon celebrations and not getting to head out and cheer like I had planned.
Thankfully TriSara was able to chat with me on my long walk to the car. I was so grateful to have a friend to vent to while I tried to hold off all stomach issues and tried not to cry every time I walked over a curb. After a long nap and several more Imodium I was finally up for moving and we spent the rest of the day at the dog park then off for ice cream and a movie. I was just glad I felt better, and reminded myself how lucky I am to be able to run a marathon at all, and to come so close to my goal despite obviously not being 100% towards the end of the run.
Somewhere around mile 20 I started using the clock to gauge pace instead of my watch. I knew I needed to be 20 seconds ahead of the last clock at each mile in order to make it on time. So I wasn't happy to see those seconds on the clock going the wrong way at 22. 8:05 My brain started to try and calculate paces I would need to get in at 3:25, under 3:26, or PR pace under 3:27. The math seemed to be right and I knew even if I could only hold 8 minute miles I should still PR and maybe sneak in under 3:26.
The course was warming up and I kept taking Gatorade at every station but now I was adding a cup of water to the mix too. Drinking half dumping the rest on my head to cool off.
My quads were starting to cramp and sear with pain and my left calf as always started to sear as well. Each step was becoming more painful and I did my best to run through the pain, but mile 23 that damn clock was still going in the wrong direction. 8:17
I had driven the course a month prior to the race and wondered where the heck the hill was around 24 that all the runners I met last year had complained about. Everything looked pancake flat to me. So I was a bit disdained when from 23 to 24 we were running up a famous false flat and my pace was faltering despite my efforts. 8:49 During this mile I listened as a man asked to borrow a cell from his buddy and proceeded to call his mother to let him know he was coming in ahead of pace. His mother wanted all the details as he assured her he just wanted her to call his coach to let him know he would be there ahead of schedule. Funny how he would take time out to call her but was shocked when he did that she wanted to know details :) She is his mother after all!
At this point I was having a repeat of Columbus all over again. Each mile instead of hitting at 7:41 I was hitting at 8 or slower. Each mile the volunteer would announce my predicted finish time and each mile it would move slowly from 3:24 to 3:25 to 3:26 to 3:29 and with my legs refusing to do their part, the pain and the mental block from this Columbus deja vu I lost it. I had started to miss hand offs at the aid station. Knocking cups out of the volunteers hands rather than making eye contact and getting what I wanted on the first try as usual. Just after the best aid station on the course (to me) where cross country runners were an extreme boost I came upon a tiny but steep hill and I broke. I just couldn't force myself to run up it and for the first time that day I walked. I stopped looking at my watch and just suffered my way to the finish line, giving up all hopes of 3:25 or even a PR. Mile 25 was the longest of the day including two walks uphill at 9:38.
My legs were searing with pain and I remarked to a female beside me that this wasn't how I planned to finish out the day. She said the same. We leap frogged our way to the finish, and I tried my best to pick up pace in the final mile. Laughing at myself for earlier that day thinking this might be my fastest mile. I smiled for photographers but stopped and walked as soon as I passed them. No spectator or draw of the finish chute was getting me going. My friend in pink was in front of me again and I let her pull me to the finish. Mile 26 in 8:23 and the final .2 in 1:46.
I finished in 3:29:39. Good enough for top 50 women and 13th in my age group. Just over 2 minutes behind my PR at Columbus. My second best marathon time.
I felt cheated as I wandered around the finish line stations. I knew deep inside I was ready for 3:25, in my heart I felt I was ready for even faster than that. I was broken not by any of the major hills in the beginning but by false flats and mini bumps in the road towards the finish. I had run on target all day to come up short in the final miles. I think it was harder on me mentally to lose it so late in the day than it would have been if I had been off target the whole way.
My stomach felt off and I searched for potato chips and other edible items. I snarfed down an apple and some water and made my way to the grassy knoll where my friends who had already finished were basking in the sun. I felt like the party pooper. Everyone else had just PR'ed, all of them coming off marathon or ultra runs just three weeks prior. Here I was completely prepared and tapered and I couldn't come out with the planned pace.
I congratulated them all and made some quick phone calls to let loved ones and friends know I was done. As I reached my dad I realized that I was in dire need of a restroom and that my "off" stomach was about to be a full blown system melt down. Can I just say longest most terrifying walk ever. Thank goodness I made it. I threw back two Imodium that I thankfully had in my bag and made the long trek back to my car and then the drive to our friends apartment where I felt like I was going to die for about 3 hours. Having to bail on the post marathon celebrations and not getting to head out and cheer like I had planned.
Thankfully TriSara was able to chat with me on my long walk to the car. I was so grateful to have a friend to vent to while I tried to hold off all stomach issues and tried not to cry every time I walked over a curb. After a long nap and several more Imodium I was finally up for moving and we spent the rest of the day at the dog park then off for ice cream and a movie. I was just glad I felt better, and reminded myself how lucky I am to be able to run a marathon at all, and to come so close to my goal despite obviously not being 100% towards the end of the run.
Another Interruption
I went out and did the Cleveland Marathon yesterday. I knew early on that I wouldn't be racing it. So instead I partied my way through 26 miles.
I just want to give a quick shout out to all my gals. Especially Athena and Daisy. Athena received a frantic voice message from me Saturday night around 10:30 PM exclaiming I could not find my electrolyte tablets anywhere. She meets me at mile 6 with a whole handful. God bless that girl she probably saved me from being sick again after the marathon!
I started the race with Daisy, intentions were to run her the whole way to a BQ. But the pace was not in my cards. I felt like such a jerk when I had to fall back so early. But she went on to BQ in fabulous style with an over 39 minute PR. Daisy is hard core and I can't wait to run with her in Boston 08.
KM caught us after a bathroom stop and thankfully she ran with Daisy until the turn off at 12.
TriSara was out at mile 6 handing out Powerade. What a great gal to come out and support all the runners! And for taking my sweaty visor for me, now that's love!
BB who went on to finish 1st in her age group in the half. I got to run with her for about a mile before I sent her off ahead of me.
Jodi was waiting and cheering before the bridge at 11. It was so nice to stop and finally chat with her. She looks great and I know her Ironman will be an awesome one.
B50 caught me around 20. She was hurting but she gutted it out and went on ahead of me. I can't wait to get back out on the trails with her!
I met two fabulous Michigan ladies who I ran the last 5 or so with and chatted them up to distract them from stomach and leg pains. Hopefully I will see them at the Detroit 'thon and maybe even be their official pace bunny.
Post finish I met up with soon to be BS and found out she had just smashed her half PR. I can't wait for her to break 2, she just keeps getting better every time.
All my gals did great yesterday. DM ran a 3:25 on no long runs and placed first in her age group. EM came back for her first half after a long time off from a hip injury. GK toughed out a half and is ready to get rolling on training to BQ.
I didn't see JC out there but I am sure she rocked it and I can't wait to hear about it on our Wednesday run.
Also didn't get to catch up with MT but she crushed the half. I am going to have to watch my back for her now too ;)
It's so nice to have such awesome female friends to run with.
Great job yesterday ladies!
Shout out for the men to come!
I just want to give a quick shout out to all my gals. Especially Athena and Daisy. Athena received a frantic voice message from me Saturday night around 10:30 PM exclaiming I could not find my electrolyte tablets anywhere. She meets me at mile 6 with a whole handful. God bless that girl she probably saved me from being sick again after the marathon!
I started the race with Daisy, intentions were to run her the whole way to a BQ. But the pace was not in my cards. I felt like such a jerk when I had to fall back so early. But she went on to BQ in fabulous style with an over 39 minute PR. Daisy is hard core and I can't wait to run with her in Boston 08.
KM caught us after a bathroom stop and thankfully she ran with Daisy until the turn off at 12.
TriSara was out at mile 6 handing out Powerade. What a great gal to come out and support all the runners! And for taking my sweaty visor for me, now that's love!
BB who went on to finish 1st in her age group in the half. I got to run with her for about a mile before I sent her off ahead of me.
Jodi was waiting and cheering before the bridge at 11. It was so nice to stop and finally chat with her. She looks great and I know her Ironman will be an awesome one.
B50 caught me around 20. She was hurting but she gutted it out and went on ahead of me. I can't wait to get back out on the trails with her!
I met two fabulous Michigan ladies who I ran the last 5 or so with and chatted them up to distract them from stomach and leg pains. Hopefully I will see them at the Detroit 'thon and maybe even be their official pace bunny.
Post finish I met up with soon to be BS and found out she had just smashed her half PR. I can't wait for her to break 2, she just keeps getting better every time.
All my gals did great yesterday. DM ran a 3:25 on no long runs and placed first in her age group. EM came back for her first half after a long time off from a hip injury. GK toughed out a half and is ready to get rolling on training to BQ.
I didn't see JC out there but I am sure she rocked it and I can't wait to hear about it on our Wednesday run.
Also didn't get to catch up with MT but she crushed the half. I am going to have to watch my back for her now too ;)
It's so nice to have such awesome female friends to run with.
Great job yesterday ladies!
Shout out for the men to come!
Flying Pig Marathon 07-13.1 to 20
Hitting the half a few seconds ahead of time was a great boost mentally. I was feeling strong and working to stay within that 7:41 pace range. Just before 14 there was a bit of an incline so I expected to be slow that mile and was but was still within range. 7:48. 14 to 15 climbed and again I was behind pace despite good effort 7:45. I was starting to feel the effects of the early hills now but it was almost time to dig in so I tapped into my resources a few miles early and tried to take advantage of the flat area through Mariemont and the good crowds. I took a gel early here. I had planned gels for 6, 12, 18, and 22. I felt I needed a jolt so I gulped down the only gel with caffeine I had brought and thought hopefully of the good speedy effects of the caffeine to come. It was somewhere in this area that I made the mistake of high fiving the bungle tiger (My husbands nickname for the Cinci Bengals). I should have known nothing good could come from that, but he is a tiger after all and my inner tiger felt some high fiving love was appropriate.
The inside of my arms were starting to chafe and it was starting to warm up. I was very glad I opted for a tank and visor as my race outfit. My focused effort paid off at 16 with a 7:31. I located a volunteer with a cardboard sheet covered in sunscreen and Vaseline. It is so nice how they always seem to appear when I need them. I slathered some on my arms and wiped my hands on my shorts just before a team of kids were hollering for high fives. I sincerely hope those kids mothers made them wash their hands thoroughly after the race!
After 16 you head out onto a bike path which is slightly downhill but lacks any shade. You can see for almost a mile ahead of you before making a few turns and hitting 17. Unfortunately the speed of mile 16 didn't last and 17 was slow despite the majority of it being downhill 7:56.
Mile 18 I got back on pace cruising up a slight incline (yeah another one of those, I thought this was supposed to be downhill after 9? These hills sure didn't look so intimidating when we drove the course) in 7:41. If I remember correctly this mile had a large hill before hopping onto the highway which I heard runners behind discussing before we made a left turn and it came into view. (I may be mixing miles, there were plenty of these hills to be found!) I remember thinking this hill wasn't too bad and hoping that this time the spectators ensuring me this was the last hill were telling the truth.
Mile 19 is along Columbia Parkway. I was behind two younger male runners here and tried to tap into their pace as we made our way along the sunny and sparsely manned highway. This by far was the most boring part of the course. I turned it on here trying to get back to 7:41 and starting to dig a bit more. Dumping water over my head as I came through the aid station and hitting mile 19 in 7:46. At this point I was still doing math clearly and knew I was still right on target for my overall race pace.
Mile 20 was slow as we ran through some of the older Cincinnati neighborhoods and the course was starting to roll down instead of up. I was still taking Gatorade at every aid station and despite being hot felt like my goal was less than an hour away from being clinched. 7:57 for this mile left me about 30 seconds behind overall pace. I knew as long as I could get back to 7:41 pace I could cruise in right on target. I had 2 minutes to play with as anything under 3:25:59 was acceptable and my race plan would have me under 3:25. It was time to dig in and go to that place where pain levels become less than tolerable and you start to run with your heart and get your head out of the way.
The inside of my arms were starting to chafe and it was starting to warm up. I was very glad I opted for a tank and visor as my race outfit. My focused effort paid off at 16 with a 7:31. I located a volunteer with a cardboard sheet covered in sunscreen and Vaseline. It is so nice how they always seem to appear when I need them. I slathered some on my arms and wiped my hands on my shorts just before a team of kids were hollering for high fives. I sincerely hope those kids mothers made them wash their hands thoroughly after the race!
After 16 you head out onto a bike path which is slightly downhill but lacks any shade. You can see for almost a mile ahead of you before making a few turns and hitting 17. Unfortunately the speed of mile 16 didn't last and 17 was slow despite the majority of it being downhill 7:56.
Mile 18 I got back on pace cruising up a slight incline (yeah another one of those, I thought this was supposed to be downhill after 9? These hills sure didn't look so intimidating when we drove the course) in 7:41. If I remember correctly this mile had a large hill before hopping onto the highway which I heard runners behind discussing before we made a left turn and it came into view. (I may be mixing miles, there were plenty of these hills to be found!) I remember thinking this hill wasn't too bad and hoping that this time the spectators ensuring me this was the last hill were telling the truth.
Mile 19 is along Columbia Parkway. I was behind two younger male runners here and tried to tap into their pace as we made our way along the sunny and sparsely manned highway. This by far was the most boring part of the course. I turned it on here trying to get back to 7:41 and starting to dig a bit more. Dumping water over my head as I came through the aid station and hitting mile 19 in 7:46. At this point I was still doing math clearly and knew I was still right on target for my overall race pace.
Mile 20 was slow as we ran through some of the older Cincinnati neighborhoods and the course was starting to roll down instead of up. I was still taking Gatorade at every aid station and despite being hot felt like my goal was less than an hour away from being clinched. 7:57 for this mile left me about 30 seconds behind overall pace. I knew as long as I could get back to 7:41 pace I could cruise in right on target. I had 2 minutes to play with as anything under 3:25:59 was acceptable and my race plan would have me under 3:25. It was time to dig in and go to that place where pain levels become less than tolerable and you start to run with your heart and get your head out of the way.
We Interrupt this Race Report...
I meant to have this whole thing wrapped up by now and my analysis done and figured out how I feel about the race etc. But sometimes life gets in the way of what we want.
I have been swamped at work this week doing 10 hour days straight through (I know for most people that may be normal but for this gal it is unusual) just to get the task finished. We are presenting at an EPA training workshop this week in Kansas City and I had the lucky job of pulling together any materials that we have used before and coming up with exercises for the workshop if we didn't already have examples. Thankfully I have several coworkers who came to my rescue, helping with QA/QC and just walking through the exercises to make sure they made sense and took up enough time, and luckily by the time we walked out the door Friday night at 7 PM we had all the materials on CDs and printed and stuffed into workbooks. Unfortunately we missed the FedEx COB so my boss and I are each hauling two boxes full of notebooks on the plane tonight.
I haven't had a chance to run through my presentation yet, I am printing the demo right now and am going to do an at home run through. Of course I am the first real presentation tomorrow and my topic is one that may flop. Have I mentioned I haven't presented anything since my senior year of college in 2003? Gulp. I am a bit nervous to put it lightly. Oh and my boss's boss is going to be there. Nothing like added pressure to perform.
Wish me luck. I am a worrier so I have had the urge to vomit since half way through the day yesterday when I finished all chores and had nothing to preoccupy me but thoughts of the presentation.
So I probably won't post anything again until Thursday at the earliest, unless my hotel has a freebie computer with Internet.
Apologies for not being caught up on blogs. I haven't even had a chance to get through emails this week, and I haven't sent out mothers day cards yet. Sorry Mom! On that note I am off to pack and finish laundry and dishes, walk through my presentation, mail mothers day cards, buy propane, then head to my in-laws for dinner and then to the airport and KC.
I have been swamped at work this week doing 10 hour days straight through (I know for most people that may be normal but for this gal it is unusual) just to get the task finished. We are presenting at an EPA training workshop this week in Kansas City and I had the lucky job of pulling together any materials that we have used before and coming up with exercises for the workshop if we didn't already have examples. Thankfully I have several coworkers who came to my rescue, helping with QA/QC and just walking through the exercises to make sure they made sense and took up enough time, and luckily by the time we walked out the door Friday night at 7 PM we had all the materials on CDs and printed and stuffed into workbooks. Unfortunately we missed the FedEx COB so my boss and I are each hauling two boxes full of notebooks on the plane tonight.
I haven't had a chance to run through my presentation yet, I am printing the demo right now and am going to do an at home run through. Of course I am the first real presentation tomorrow and my topic is one that may flop. Have I mentioned I haven't presented anything since my senior year of college in 2003? Gulp. I am a bit nervous to put it lightly. Oh and my boss's boss is going to be there. Nothing like added pressure to perform.
Wish me luck. I am a worrier so I have had the urge to vomit since half way through the day yesterday when I finished all chores and had nothing to preoccupy me but thoughts of the presentation.
So I probably won't post anything again until Thursday at the earliest, unless my hotel has a freebie computer with Internet.
Apologies for not being caught up on blogs. I haven't even had a chance to get through emails this week, and I haven't sent out mothers day cards yet. Sorry Mom! On that note I am off to pack and finish laundry and dishes, walk through my presentation, mail mothers day cards, buy propane, then head to my in-laws for dinner and then to the airport and KC.
Flying Pig Marathon 2007- The Hill and up through 13.1
We eased into the first major incline after mile 5. My breathing felt easy and the pace felt good. Others around me were huffing and puffing but I focused on keeping it light and easy. I was still in "sleeper" mode. Just focusing on staying with the 3:30 guys and trying not to waste any energy. I knew we would soon be coming to the relay hand off area and then a flat loop around Eden Park before climbing a bit more. But before we got there the incline would get steep.
When we hit the park near the top I went for the Gatorade and had one of those "oh shit" moments of splashing another runner with my Gatorade on the toss. I am so sorry and I hope that that runner did not deal with sticky legs the rest of the race. He probably thinks I am a real jerk, as I didn't apologize right away, hoping that perhaps the toss missed him. Once he gave me the look though I realized it had and promptly gave my apologies.
We were a little behind pace here and I decided to make my break from the 3:30 group a little early, okay maybe I also wanted to get away from that runner. (6,7, and 8 were 8:10, 8:13, and 8:06) At 8 we were only 11 seconds behind pace but I was nervous that the pacers weren't going to pick it up until they had crested all the major hills after 10.
As I pulled away from the pace group and the half marathoners peeled off after 9 things got pretty barren. There were no big groups of runners anymore and I was pretty much running by myself. For awhile I would go back and forth with a girl wearing pig ears and a tail. She went on to run 3:32. I also passed a guy in Bermuda shorts during this section. I don't know how you could run in those things!
The next few miles went by quick with a few more rollers. I missed a few splits but those I saw were right on target given whether they were net up or down miles. 7:34, 7:38 (I knew using Rootsrunner's recommended 5 and 10 mile markers that I should net 1:19:41 here and was at 1:19:24), 7:32 There was a steep climb after 9 I think where spectators in the lawns announced we were looking strong, and that this was the last hill. Yeah right. Technically it was net downhill from here, but that definitely didn't mean there weren't any more hills.
Mile 12 seemed to have a few more ups than downs but overall I was still on target (7:49) I started looking forward to the half and prepared to dig in a bit. Mile 13 was right on target 7:37 and I came across the half about 18 seconds ahead of planned pace.
Looking back on it now I should have absorbed more of the race atmosphere. Despite trying to run easy I was so focused on pace I wasn't taking in many of the festivities of a marathon. I surged with the big crowds but most of what I remember is a quiet inner intensity.
When we hit the park near the top I went for the Gatorade and had one of those "oh shit" moments of splashing another runner with my Gatorade on the toss. I am so sorry and I hope that that runner did not deal with sticky legs the rest of the race. He probably thinks I am a real jerk, as I didn't apologize right away, hoping that perhaps the toss missed him. Once he gave me the look though I realized it had and promptly gave my apologies.
We were a little behind pace here and I decided to make my break from the 3:30 group a little early, okay maybe I also wanted to get away from that runner. (6,7, and 8 were 8:10, 8:13, and 8:06) At 8 we were only 11 seconds behind pace but I was nervous that the pacers weren't going to pick it up until they had crested all the major hills after 10.
As I pulled away from the pace group and the half marathoners peeled off after 9 things got pretty barren. There were no big groups of runners anymore and I was pretty much running by myself. For awhile I would go back and forth with a girl wearing pig ears and a tail. She went on to run 3:32. I also passed a guy in Bermuda shorts during this section. I don't know how you could run in those things!
The next few miles went by quick with a few more rollers. I missed a few splits but those I saw were right on target given whether they were net up or down miles. 7:34, 7:38 (I knew using Rootsrunner's recommended 5 and 10 mile markers that I should net 1:19:41 here and was at 1:19:24), 7:32 There was a steep climb after 9 I think where spectators in the lawns announced we were looking strong, and that this was the last hill. Yeah right. Technically it was net downhill from here, but that definitely didn't mean there weren't any more hills.
Mile 12 seemed to have a few more ups than downs but overall I was still on target (7:49) I started looking forward to the half and prepared to dig in a bit. Mile 13 was right on target 7:37 and I came across the half about 18 seconds ahead of planned pace.
Looking back on it now I should have absorbed more of the race atmosphere. Despite trying to run easy I was so focused on pace I wasn't taking in many of the festivities of a marathon. I surged with the big crowds but most of what I remember is a quiet inner intensity.
Flying Pig Marathon 07- The Early Miles
The loud boom went off and we jogged to the start line. It was super crowded but I kept the 3:30 balloons in my sights as I made my way across the start line on the right. W was off and running ahead of the group so I just tried to stay as close as I could to my pace guys while avoiding all the elbows around me. Gotta love being at most male runners elbow height! I laughed as we crossed the start as they were playing some hip hop song from the 80s. "Jump on it" By Sir Mix-a-lot.
"What's up Cleveland, what's up
What's up Cincinnati, what's up
Columbus jump on it, jump on it, jump on it " (Thanks Josh!)
Pace felt easy as we rolled up the first bridge into Kentucky and crossed mile 1 in 8:22.03. A little slow but I had faith the men with the balloons would get us back on track long before 9 miles when I planned on peeling away from them. I couldn't believe how many people were in this group. Not just men either, plenty of women all who seemed to be running the full. Past marathons I have been in it seemed to be the 3:40 crowd that was really heavy and ahead of that was a wasteland so I was a bit surprised to be dealing with such a crowded course.
I slowed a bit to get Gatorade at the first stop. I had decided pre-race there would be no walking the water stops this time through. The crowds were thick though and you couldn't avoid a bit of a slow down. The second mile came in 7:53 and I began to feel more confident that our pacers would keep me on pace through the hills.
I didn't really absorb much of the crowds as we made our way back into Ohio. I stayed focused on the runners around me and sticking close to the 3:30 group without being too crowded. As we headed up another bridge Mile 3 came in 7:51 and I was feeling good. I never saw mile 4 and although I never glanced at my watch until the mile 5 marker I knew I had missed it. The crowds before turning off of third street before mile 5 were nice and loud. I didn't notice any signs or anything but the loud cheers were a nice early boost. Mile 4 and 5 came by in 15:34. Rootsrunner had recommended I not worry about mile splits but instead look at the totals at 5 and 10 to know if I was on pace. We hit 5 at 39:41, 19 seconds ahead of 3:30 pace which was fine by me.
I laughed as I watched one of the 3:30 pacers hand off the balloons to go take care of business behind a bridge support. I had avoided pre race hydration just so I wouldn't have that issue this time around. I had hydrated well all week and I figured I had plenty of time to hydrate on the course, and was doing great drinking the Gatorade at every stop. Columbus I ran a 3:27 and was aiming for 3:25. I had a 2 minute porta potty stop at mile 12 that day and did not want a repeat this time around.
At 5 I prepared myself for the hills to come, remembering last year how I had spotted BB here and ran up the hills with her before heading back down to catch DM and run her up, and then spotted Rae and Brent at the top and ran up even further with them. I felt confident the hills would not be an issue and was glad for my race strategy of going out with the 3:30 guys to ensure that.
"What's up Cleveland, what's up
What's up Cincinnati, what's up
Columbus jump on it, jump on it, jump on it " (Thanks Josh!)
Pace felt easy as we rolled up the first bridge into Kentucky and crossed mile 1 in 8:22.03. A little slow but I had faith the men with the balloons would get us back on track long before 9 miles when I planned on peeling away from them. I couldn't believe how many people were in this group. Not just men either, plenty of women all who seemed to be running the full. Past marathons I have been in it seemed to be the 3:40 crowd that was really heavy and ahead of that was a wasteland so I was a bit surprised to be dealing with such a crowded course.
I slowed a bit to get Gatorade at the first stop. I had decided pre-race there would be no walking the water stops this time through. The crowds were thick though and you couldn't avoid a bit of a slow down. The second mile came in 7:53 and I began to feel more confident that our pacers would keep me on pace through the hills.
I didn't really absorb much of the crowds as we made our way back into Ohio. I stayed focused on the runners around me and sticking close to the 3:30 group without being too crowded. As we headed up another bridge Mile 3 came in 7:51 and I was feeling good. I never saw mile 4 and although I never glanced at my watch until the mile 5 marker I knew I had missed it. The crowds before turning off of third street before mile 5 were nice and loud. I didn't notice any signs or anything but the loud cheers were a nice early boost. Mile 4 and 5 came by in 15:34. Rootsrunner had recommended I not worry about mile splits but instead look at the totals at 5 and 10 to know if I was on pace. We hit 5 at 39:41, 19 seconds ahead of 3:30 pace which was fine by me.
I laughed as I watched one of the 3:30 pacers hand off the balloons to go take care of business behind a bridge support. I had avoided pre race hydration just so I wouldn't have that issue this time around. I had hydrated well all week and I figured I had plenty of time to hydrate on the course, and was doing great drinking the Gatorade at every stop. Columbus I ran a 3:27 and was aiming for 3:25. I had a 2 minute porta potty stop at mile 12 that day and did not want a repeat this time around.
At 5 I prepared myself for the hills to come, remembering last year how I had spotted BB here and ran up the hills with her before heading back down to catch DM and run her up, and then spotted Rae and Brent at the top and ran up even further with them. I felt confident the hills would not be an issue and was glad for my race strategy of going out with the 3:30 guys to ensure that.
Flying Pig Marathon 07- Early Start
After falling asleep at 8:30 PM to wake at 12:30 AM and sleep fitfully for the next 3 hours I finally got off the couch at 3:30 AM. I threw on some running clothes and went out into the dark for a 5 minute shake out run. I had my headlamp and our friends live right on a bike path so other than a scary growling in the bushes, it was the perfect location for a 3:30 AM shake out run :)
I made my tea and ate a bowl of cheerios while checking the weather. It looked to be perfect. Hit the shower, applied sunscreen, on with the race outfit, kiss goodbye to David and I was off to the race.
Traffic was super light and I had no trouble finding a lot near the start. I grabbed my gear bag and my belt with gels and walked over to the starting area. Volunteers were just starting to get there so I headed into Paul Brown Stadium to wait for the start and do the whole wait in the bathroom line repeatedly routine, gotta love pre race jitters. I ate a zone bar to top off my energy supplies and chatted with a friendly lady while waiting for the start. The race having the stadium open for the runners was awesome. It was a bit chilly and windy and being indoors was a great way to keep the chills away.
I headed to the start with about 15 minutes to spare. Lined up behind the 3:30 pace group and found a local runner that I had run with at the winter Buckeye 50K. She was aiming to break 3:30 and her husband was there running the half. We chatted pre race and as the sun came up and the star spangled banner was sung I stripped my outer throw away layer and got ready to run.
I felt great and had no doubts that I was ready to fly through the pig course.
I made my tea and ate a bowl of cheerios while checking the weather. It looked to be perfect. Hit the shower, applied sunscreen, on with the race outfit, kiss goodbye to David and I was off to the race.
Traffic was super light and I had no trouble finding a lot near the start. I grabbed my gear bag and my belt with gels and walked over to the starting area. Volunteers were just starting to get there so I headed into Paul Brown Stadium to wait for the start and do the whole wait in the bathroom line repeatedly routine, gotta love pre race jitters. I ate a zone bar to top off my energy supplies and chatted with a friendly lady while waiting for the start. The race having the stadium open for the runners was awesome. It was a bit chilly and windy and being indoors was a great way to keep the chills away.
I headed to the start with about 15 minutes to spare. Lined up behind the 3:30 pace group and found a local runner that I had run with at the winter Buckeye 50K. She was aiming to break 3:30 and her husband was there running the half. We chatted pre race and as the sun came up and the star spangled banner was sung I stripped my outer throw away layer and got ready to run.
I felt great and had no doubts that I was ready to fly through the pig course.
Post Pig
Well I keep going back and forth between being dissapointed, being happy that I can even run so fast at all, thinking I may run Cleveland in 2 weeks, to thinking I may never "race" a road marathon again. All of that on top of incredibly sore muscles everywhere, yes even my neck muscles, arm muscles, side muscles, and face muscles hurt. Oh and to make sure the whole body got in on the action I slammed my thumb in the shower door this morning and gave myself a blood blister.
Thankfully after my post yesterday I laid down and took an hour nap and woke up feeling a bit better. I did some google searches to see if perhaps I did something during the marathon to make myself so ill. Since I was sick the night before I can't really be sure but I think some combination of already harboring some bug and drinking too much gatorade and water in the last 4 or 5 miles on top of 4 gels during the race may have brought me down.
Right now we are sitting in the Mazda waiting room waiting for our brand new tire. Our friend noticed a bulge in it when we got here Friday. For those keeping tabs we've had the car for only 20 some days. We've been up since 6:45 and had to wait until 9 to figure out of the damage to the tire is covered. We still don't know but the service rep let us head over here while he deals with it. Keep your fingers crossed as I don't have the $240 it is going to cost to replace the tire. Good lord thats pricey!!!
So while we wait I am going to start the race recap. It may take awhile. Not sure if it will be one long post or if I will break it up. Thanks again for all the wonderful support, hopefully I won't leave you hanging on the recap too long.
Thankfully after my post yesterday I laid down and took an hour nap and woke up feeling a bit better. I did some google searches to see if perhaps I did something during the marathon to make myself so ill. Since I was sick the night before I can't really be sure but I think some combination of already harboring some bug and drinking too much gatorade and water in the last 4 or 5 miles on top of 4 gels during the race may have brought me down.
Right now we are sitting in the Mazda waiting room waiting for our brand new tire. Our friend noticed a bulge in it when we got here Friday. For those keeping tabs we've had the car for only 20 some days. We've been up since 6:45 and had to wait until 9 to figure out of the damage to the tire is covered. We still don't know but the service rep let us head over here while he deals with it. Keep your fingers crossed as I don't have the $240 it is going to cost to replace the tire. Good lord thats pricey!!!
So while we wait I am going to start the race recap. It may take awhile. Not sure if it will be one long post or if I will break it up. Thanks again for all the wonderful support, hopefully I won't leave you hanging on the recap too long.
I finished the flying pig! Unfortunately right now I am not feeling good at all (this is probably the understatement of the year). My stomach is not happy with me. The last time I was this sick was when I got Montezuma's revenge on my honeymoon. Let's hope this clears up quick. I've taken 3 Imodium at this point and so far it is not working at all. I am wondering if I was coming down with something because yesterday I had a headache all day and last night I got extremely nauseous. Lucky Me! Considering how I feel right now I am starting to feel a bit better about the race this morning. Details to come when I don't feel like I am dying.
Thanks so much for all the comments and the text messages and voice mails. I thought of you all out there today.
Thanks so much for all the comments and the text messages and voice mails. I thought of you all out there today.
1 more day!
Just got back from my 20 minute shakeout run and everything feels great! It's going to be a warm run tomorrow but I feel ready!
Off to get in one last yoga session then to the expo!
Again thank you so much for all the support on the blog and to all my friends who took the time to call and wish me good luck, it means the world to me!
On a side note I decided since this was the pig and all a traditional carb load would not do and went for the pork load instead. Let's hope it works out ;)
Off to get in one last yoga session then to the expo!
Again thank you so much for all the support on the blog and to all my friends who took the time to call and wish me good luck, it means the world to me!
On a side note I decided since this was the pig and all a traditional carb load would not do and went for the pork load instead. Let's hope it works out ;)
And We're Off...almost
I still need to pack and do a crap load of dishes. But first things first I needed some breakfast and a shower! I am trying to wake up a bit earlier every day so that Sunday won't seem quite so early! This morning's 5:30 AM call was a bit much and I snoozed until 6 AM. Tonight I have to get to bed super early for a go at a 4:30 wake up tomorrow. Doubling as race morning simulation with a quick but easy 2 mile jog, and as an effort to actually be tired when I am supposed to go to sleep tomorrow night! Lucky for me I have two crazy running girlfriends and I have actually done one long run where we started before the sun so hopefully the early start won't have my body crying for bed.
On the off chance that there is online tracking (Rae I think it is just text message updates but I am not clear on that) my super speedy number is: 1606 Any good speedy vibes you want to send my way are more than welcome!
Thanks so much for all the wonderful comments on the haircut and for all your online support. It really does mean a lot to have so many friends rooting you on towards your goals.
On the off chance that there is online tracking (Rae I think it is just text message updates but I am not clear on that) my super speedy number is: 1606 Any good speedy vibes you want to send my way are more than welcome!
Thanks so much for all the wonderful comments on the haircut and for all your online support. It really does mean a lot to have so many friends rooting you on towards your goals.
Heeeere Pig Pig Pig Pig
Well with 4 days to go it's about that time!
The official Pig Run Down
Total Miles: 424
Average Week: 27.8
Highest week: 42.75
Lowest Week: 11 (had two of these early in the program offset by the week with the buckeye 50k)
Long runs (19+):3*20 milers, 1*19 miler, and 1*50k (2 of these within 30 seconds of planned marathon pace)
I had a rough start coming off the ultra training and my paces were not where FIRST said they should be for a 7:45 pace marathon but I slowly chipped away and the past few weeks I have been having a hard time running as slow as I am supposed to be going. Thank you taper.
Things are looking good. As one of the SERC runners said on Sunday I have the trifecta! I'm at the right weight, I'm mentally ready, and I am running faster than ever.
The weather right now predicts a high of 78 for Sunday, low of 56. Lets hope the 6:30 AM start keeps away most of the heat for me during the race. To be honest when I am racing 56 feels hot too so I am not so sure that it will matter much. I am going to be sure to apply sunscreen liberally and will probably opt for a visor and dumping plenty of cold water on my head along the way. I think post race I may finally get that un cute photo Susan was looking for!
I have confirmed my race plan with Rootsrunner. He used the same tactics to get his 3:09 at the pig and I looked up mile paces for 3:25 runners last year and they all ran a similar paced race with a bit slower in the first 9 and picking it up to the finish.
I've got some mental tricks up my sleeve to keep me focused on my goal. Some mantras to help me dig deep and if those don't work I have a bet of breakfast riding on it to encourage me as well as a bit of anger going that I can tap into if need be. But I really feel like I am ready and if I just show up and race my plan and have fun things will go well. The past two weeks I have even been feeling like I could go a bit faster than planned, but I have made that mistake before and ended up disappointed so I am playing it safe, sticking to the plan, and going for 3:25 with confidence.
We head out tomorrow morning bright and early. I am going to try and go to bed super early tomorrow night and wake up early Saturday to simulate race morning. 3:30 AM just sounds so ridiculous! I know I will be grateful though that I am starting at 56 degrees and not 78.
Logistics just got switched on me as my BIL is no longer running the relay so it looks like I will be driving myself to the start and driving myself back to their place after the finish. So it looks like I can hang around and watch some finishers and maybe the awards while I eat some brunch. Lets just hope my legs are functioning enough for all of that. I have a feeling this race will be better afterwards though as all of my 20 milers this year I wasn't ever real stiff.
No website tracking as far as I can tell so you guys will just have to wait for a report from me. I should be finishing up before the Wildflower Olympic folks are even waking up. Crazy!
The official Pig Run Down
Total Miles: 424
Average Week: 27.8
Highest week: 42.75
Lowest Week: 11 (had two of these early in the program offset by the week with the buckeye 50k)
Long runs (19+):3*20 milers, 1*19 miler, and 1*50k (2 of these within 30 seconds of planned marathon pace)
I had a rough start coming off the ultra training and my paces were not where FIRST said they should be for a 7:45 pace marathon but I slowly chipped away and the past few weeks I have been having a hard time running as slow as I am supposed to be going. Thank you taper.
Things are looking good. As one of the SERC runners said on Sunday I have the trifecta! I'm at the right weight, I'm mentally ready, and I am running faster than ever.
The weather right now predicts a high of 78 for Sunday, low of 56. Lets hope the 6:30 AM start keeps away most of the heat for me during the race. To be honest when I am racing 56 feels hot too so I am not so sure that it will matter much. I am going to be sure to apply sunscreen liberally and will probably opt for a visor and dumping plenty of cold water on my head along the way. I think post race I may finally get that un cute photo Susan was looking for!
I have confirmed my race plan with Rootsrunner. He used the same tactics to get his 3:09 at the pig and I looked up mile paces for 3:25 runners last year and they all ran a similar paced race with a bit slower in the first 9 and picking it up to the finish.
I've got some mental tricks up my sleeve to keep me focused on my goal. Some mantras to help me dig deep and if those don't work I have a bet of breakfast riding on it to encourage me as well as a bit of anger going that I can tap into if need be. But I really feel like I am ready and if I just show up and race my plan and have fun things will go well. The past two weeks I have even been feeling like I could go a bit faster than planned, but I have made that mistake before and ended up disappointed so I am playing it safe, sticking to the plan, and going for 3:25 with confidence.
We head out tomorrow morning bright and early. I am going to try and go to bed super early tomorrow night and wake up early Saturday to simulate race morning. 3:30 AM just sounds so ridiculous! I know I will be grateful though that I am starting at 56 degrees and not 78.
Logistics just got switched on me as my BIL is no longer running the relay so it looks like I will be driving myself to the start and driving myself back to their place after the finish. So it looks like I can hang around and watch some finishers and maybe the awards while I eat some brunch. Lets just hope my legs are functioning enough for all of that. I have a feeling this race will be better afterwards though as all of my 20 milers this year I wasn't ever real stiff.
No website tracking as far as I can tell so you guys will just have to wait for a report from me. I should be finishing up before the Wildflower Olympic folks are even waking up. Crazy!
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