Still have to get these approved by coach but here are my thoughts right now (also a bit more on why that 6:04 paced 10k might not be realistic, but I'm going for it anyways!)
This is what I am thinking so far. Looking at my current marathon fitness and the 5 mile "time trial" I did I think I am at VDOT 52 pushing 53. It seems like I can usually hit the shorter distance VDOT times but that my marathon hasn't ever lined up so I am setting these VDOT goals based on my marathon VDOT, not on shorter VDOTs (since the marathon is my focus). I am hoping it is realistic to move up 1 VDOT every 6 weeks this summer with some effort (I did that last summer going from 3:16:30 at Boston to 3:05:57 at Columbus), I think my short distance VDOT times will come fast, but half and marathon will take longer. Based on that here are races I want to do with VDOT based time goals and pie in the sky dream goals. I think racing some halfs this year as well as the 10 miler will help with my marathon confidence this fall but I am willing to bag Concord and Presque Isle for a shorter race if coach thinks they aren't beneficial, Spirit of Columbus was a great course so I would really like to do that one:
May 16th: Cleveland 10k VDOT goal 39:20 Pie Goal 38:05 or better
June 6th: Concord Half Marathon VDOT goal 1:27 Pie Goal PR (Hilly course so not sure what is reasonable)
6/16/10: Flag Day 5k VDOT goal 18:40-18:58 pie goal PR
7/4/10: Some 4th of July 5k VDOT goal 18:40, more realistic goal 18:10-18:20
July 18th: Presque Isle Half Marathon VDOT goal 1:25:40 Pie Goal sub 1:24 (This is the only good half before the July cost increase at Columbus, would like to go 1:24 before that and apply for elite status, this is the same weekend as Johnnycake which Coach would likely want me to run)
August 15th: Perfect 10 mile VDOT goal 1:03:00
August 29th: Spirit of Columbus Half VDOT goal sub 1:24
Last Marathon Indicator Race is up in the air, ideally would like to do a half at 1:23 4 weeks out or a 10k at 37:30 2-4 weeks out:
9/25/10 Akron Half Marathon VDOT goal 1:23:00 (This isn't ideal, as it is the weekend I should be doing my last long run, but perhaps could do the half on Saturday and then do long run sunday but at a slower pace? Might be good fatigue training) another option could be to get in on a relay and run either the 10km leg or the longer finishing leg with the same VDOT level goal
It's better in mentor or cleveland heroes 5 mile sept 19th: vdot goal 29:55
9/18/10 Air Force Half Marathon VDOT goal 1:23:00 (really don't want to make this drive but could)
All Leading Up to:
October 17th: Columbus Marathon VDOT goal 2:53:20, Pie goal sub 2:50, C goal sub 3!
"The gun goes off and everything changes...the World changes...and nothing else really matters." -Patti Sue Plummer
No rest for the (marathon) weary
In some ways not meeting your goal in a marathon is better than meeting it. A lot of times after reaching a marathon goal you get this "what now?" feeling. You've invested all of this time in this outcome and now it's arrived and you have this emptiness that can't be fulfilled until you seek out a new goal to obtain. I can say for certain I don't have that feeling right now! I have a go out and tear it up in everything you do this summer kind of feeling!
Initially I had thought I would try to run Chicago this fall but since that would require a sub 3:01 to get in it's out. So I am thinking go back to the town where I always leave happy, Columbus. I've run Columbus twice and both times were PRs and days where I left happy and proud of the effort. Checking out their site I see that if I can run a 1:24 or better half this summer I can get into their elite start. Sounds good to me! So it's time to get to work!
First up is the Cleveland 10k on May 16th. It would be nice to place well amongst Ohioans there and crush my standing 10k PR. What would be really nice would be to run a sub 3/sub 1:24 equivalent time so I know that I was not insane for thinking I could go sub 3. That equates to 6:04 pace in the 10k. I think it's doable and I am working with the coach to try and get my speed in line to do it. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that the winds on Marginal play nice on race day or I find a perfectly paced guy to draft off of ;)
First track workout after the marathon wasn't too bad. My stomach was not happy and it was windy and cool but I survived the first two sets and managed to finish up the workout respectably after a bit extra rest. Paces were better than the week and two weeks after Columbus, and this workout was a lot tougher, so I am excited. Hoping the tempo tonight goes well!
Filling in the gaps here was training since my last rundown:
April 12th-April 18th 30 miles
Monday-3 miles 8:17 pace
Tuesday-6.5 miles with track 2*400, 4*200, 1 mile a hair faster than marathon pace
Wednesday-4 miles 8:27 pace
Thursday-6 miles 7:12 pace with 3 miles at 7:10 pace and 2 at marathon pace
Friday-3.6 miles 8:43 pace
Saturday-4 miles 8:41 pace with a few strides
Sunday-3 miles 8:31 pace with a few strides
April 19th-April 25th 46 miles
Monday- Boston 7:07 pace
Wednesday-2.3 miles 10:13 pace
Thursday- 10 miles biked with NC on her tempo, no run
Friday-2 miles 8:53 pace
Saturday-9 miles 8:58 pace
Sunday-1.5 mile warm up 10:46 pace, 5 mile Pancake Run 6:38 pace
Initially I had thought I would try to run Chicago this fall but since that would require a sub 3:01 to get in it's out. So I am thinking go back to the town where I always leave happy, Columbus. I've run Columbus twice and both times were PRs and days where I left happy and proud of the effort. Checking out their site I see that if I can run a 1:24 or better half this summer I can get into their elite start. Sounds good to me! So it's time to get to work!
First up is the Cleveland 10k on May 16th. It would be nice to place well amongst Ohioans there and crush my standing 10k PR. What would be really nice would be to run a sub 3/sub 1:24 equivalent time so I know that I was not insane for thinking I could go sub 3. That equates to 6:04 pace in the 10k. I think it's doable and I am working with the coach to try and get my speed in line to do it. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that the winds on Marginal play nice on race day or I find a perfectly paced guy to draft off of ;)
First track workout after the marathon wasn't too bad. My stomach was not happy and it was windy and cool but I survived the first two sets and managed to finish up the workout respectably after a bit extra rest. Paces were better than the week and two weeks after Columbus, and this workout was a lot tougher, so I am excited. Hoping the tempo tonight goes well!
Filling in the gaps here was training since my last rundown:
April 12th-April 18th 30 miles
Monday-3 miles 8:17 pace
Tuesday-6.5 miles with track 2*400, 4*200, 1 mile a hair faster than marathon pace
Wednesday-4 miles 8:27 pace
Thursday-6 miles 7:12 pace with 3 miles at 7:10 pace and 2 at marathon pace
Friday-3.6 miles 8:43 pace
Saturday-4 miles 8:41 pace with a few strides
Sunday-3 miles 8:31 pace with a few strides
April 19th-April 25th 46 miles
Monday- Boston 7:07 pace
Wednesday-2.3 miles 10:13 pace
Thursday- 10 miles biked with NC on her tempo, no run
Friday-2 miles 8:53 pace
Saturday-9 miles 8:58 pace
Sunday-1.5 mile warm up 10:46 pace, 5 mile Pancake Run 6:38 pace
Boston Marathon 2010 Race Report

30k in the background
The anthem and fly over done we quietly anticipated the start, and we were off. About 90 seconds later I crossed the line ready to run. I really felt the whole morning like the milers in Once a Runner, it was just hard to believe the day was finally here, and they were really going to let me run!
I had decided pre race that I was too OCD to use a pace band for each mile so I had a 5k pace band and was using my garmin to see total time and had average pace on there. The first mile was a hair slower than I desired but I wasn't worried. Better to go out slow and make up time later. All of my training runs I have been running the late miles fastest and I was confident as long as my body held up I would have the energy to push through at the end if I needed to shave some seconds.
The sun was out and I got warm quickly and tossed my gloves. I was in my short compression shorts and a singlet and that worked out well. I never chafed and never got too hot. When I did get warm I would quickly cool down a bit at the water stops when I drank. Every now and then the wind would hit us and it was pretty strong, I kept my fingers crossed that it would never turn into a headwind.
My pace started to ease into 6:45-6:50 and the average pace kept coming down. Each 5k split I was about 30 seconds behind the target and knowing I had 60 seconds to play with I was comfortable with that. I didn't want to force anything early in the day. As we hit flat sections I would target runners who looked good to reel in and pace with. My stride felt comfortable and energy way good. I was enjoying the crowds and anticipating getting to the half and the Wellsley girls.
Mile 10 I heard someone cheer what I thought was "Go Cleveland." I wondered to myself how is FD doing? He is recovering from a blood clot and had told me he was hoping to go 3:30. Having started in the 2nd coral and knowing I was on sub 3 pace I wondered why I hadn't seen him yet, only to look up and see him a quarter mile ahead of me. I slowly closed the gap on him and as I passed joked "Hey FD feel like pacing me today?" But he was in the zone and working hard, he hadn't heard me! I then waved emphatically and got a reaction :) He smiled and greeted me that I was right on pace. We wished each other luck as I pulled ahead.
I decided to use the same nutrition plan I did at Columbus and Boston last year. Gels at 12,16,20, and 23. Electrolyte pills at 6, 10, 14, 18, and 22. Water every 2 miles starting at 6.
It's always nice when you start taking the nutrition because you feel like you have reached a race milestone and you start looking forward to each next stop.
I noticed early on the downhill side of the rollers didn't feel very smooth but never got worried about it, as it wasn't painful. As I neared the half I knew I didn't have much lee way to make sub 3. I came through at 1:29:45 and knew that this wasn't going to play out quite like Columbus. To even split I had some work to do.
Still on pace I just kept rolling along knowing that the real indicator would come from 15-16 and after the first of the Newton Hills rolling through mile 17. From 15-16 is a long relatively steep downhill before you head up the next set of hill with some flats mixed in. I knew 15-16 was supposed to be the fastest mile of the day. I rolled along enjoying the crowds and noted that while it was not the fastest mile of the day I was still hitting 6:50. My quads were starting their protest and deep down I knew this might start to get ugly. The 6:50 downhill mile didn't feel as comfortable as a downhill mile should feel at that pace. As Mark said, they definitely weren't going to hand the sub 3 to me.
I knew the hills would slow down a bit even with strong quads so I made the executive decision at mile 17 to stop looking at the watch and just run as hard as I could. All I could do was run my ass off and hope for the best. I was still passing runners as I came up Heartbreak Hill and I felt like with the effort I probably wasn't falling too far off. Knowing I would have to pick up the pace once I crested the top. I was anticipating my gel at 20 and hoping a little caffeine might numb the pain. At some point I had unknowingly lost my salt pills and decided to drink gatorade at the miles when I had planned to take them. Like in 2008 I was having to resort to running from water stop to water stop and waiting to see if my quads would withstand the pounding.
I could feel that like in 2008 my toes were blistering and popping, but the quad pain was so severe I can't say the feet affected my run at all.
At this point the race got very mental for me. My sub conscience was obviously trying to go into survival mode and shut things down. My quads have never hurt so badly. Boston has trashed me before, but I think the new faster pace just brought the pain to a new level, plus my body probably allowed the pain to get worse knowing we have survived lesser pain before. I kept reminding myself that pain was temporary and that I would be able to recover from the damage once the race was over. I kept willing my feet forward and kept hammering my quads with each step. I reminded myself that my body was capable of more than my brain could ever fathom and that I just needed to keep pushing as hard as I could. I made peace with the fact that while I might not run sub 3 I could run as hard as possible and still be happy with the day. It never ever crossed my mind that my pace might be faltering enough to pull me down a minute per mile.
The crowds were great and I tried to use their energy to push me on. Anytime someone cheered for my number I tried to smile or wave. Earlier in the race I had given peace signs when any good music was played. Heard a lot of Humpty Dance which always made me giggle. You just can't beat the atmosphere at Boston. I can't imagine being in the pain I was in and running for miles without seeing any other runners or hearing the crowds, it would have been miserable.
A little before mile 24 I wondered how my friend FD was fairing and a few seconds later found out as he passed me. He encouraged me to come with him and I flailed to pick it up only to feel my quads seize in protest, I gasped out that I couldn't go with him, everything was locking up. I started to get a bit teary and had to reel my emotions in and keep pushing. Only 2 miles to go, anyone can run 2 miles. At this point I stupidly looked down at my watch wondering how FD was doing, only to see a 7:50 mile and that my average pace was now closing in on my Columbus pace. F! Put my head down and pushed holding back tears.
Crossing the 40k mat I thought of my friends and family watching at home and couldn't believe I was falling off so badly. I thought about all of my club friends who were also invested in seeing me go sub 3. I'm a closer, I run hard to the end, I was getting passed by runner after runner and I couldn't respond, my quads were giving me the finger. I thought to myself if pregnancy is harder than this I am never having children, because despite running painful marathons before I have never been in this much pain in my life.
Closing in on mile 25 my teammate JP came up behind me and slapped me on the ass, urging me to take it in with her. Once again I tried to will my legs to speed up and was given the finger. At the 1 mile to go sign I looked down to see that in order to PR I would have to run 6:40. I remembered my dad at Richmond cheering that I could still PR and took a deep breath and dug deep...and ran 7:30 pace. I got to the last dip of the race and prayed that my legs would not lock up, I was so scared that I would be stopped to a walk. I continued to pound my way to the finish and made the second to the last turn still holding out that I might get some adrenaline on Boylston.
Ahh Boylston. The longest straightaway of my life. I pumped my arms and held back tears as I ran as fast as I could to the finish, knowing that I wasn't even running my easy pace. I reached the finish line and for the first time in my life wondered if I could have run another quarter mile if I had to, and I honestly don't think I could have. My quads have never been so shredded. JP had waited for me to finish and we hobbled our way to the buses. I've been pretty miserable at marathon finish lines before but this was definitely the worst. I seriously believe a marathon must mess with the happy chemicals in my brain and shut them all off.
Columbus is really the only marathon I have finished and been happy with the result at the finish line. And in retrospect I am always happy or at least proud of the effort on the day. But on this day I was in pain, and I was pretty much devastated, despite telling myself during the race that as long as you ran as hard as you could there was nothing to be upset about. The rational part of my brain said you just ran a 10 minute course PR and were less than a minute off your Columbus time on a day when your body just gave you the finger, but the irrational part of me was in disbelief. It honestly never occurred to me that I wouldn't PR. I honestly believed that I was fit enough to run 2:59 even on a bad day. So I think I was just a bit in shock.
I was all in, and I gave it everything, and I came up short, and that's okay. But at the time I hobbled my way to the hotel as tears ran down my face. Shivering and locking up I reached the hotel room and tried to ready myself to celebrate with my friends all of their accomplishments on the day.
A week later I sit here reflecting on the hardest run of my life and I am happy to say I am proud of the effort. I might not be happy with the result, but I am happy with the way I ran and I am happy with how far I have come as a runner and person. My first Boston I had to walk the water stops to finish the race. In high school I dropped out of a 5k with shin splints. Now I am someone who goes in, sets a goal, runs to do it, and when the pain gets unbearable, I keep pounding away as fast as I can to the finish line. Failure only occurs when you try, I am proud to have tried, I ran the race with the goal of sub 3, and I gave myself the chance by sticking to the pace through about mile 16, in the end my body couldn't hang, but I know failing now will make it that much sweeter when the goal is finally achieved.
That night I headed out with my friends and while the celebration was bittersweet for me, I am so blessed, and so glad to have been able to share the experience with such wonderful people.
Boston Splits
07:13.5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06:45.6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06:56.6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06:48.2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06:56.4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06:48.2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06:43.9 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06:49.5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06:47.6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06:49.6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06:48.7 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06:46.3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06:48.3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06:50.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06:48.6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06:46.4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
07:09.3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
07:18.8 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
07:10.3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
07:29.5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
07:45.1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
07:25.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
07:46.1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
07:50.5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
07:56.6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
07:46.6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
01:35.4 Predicted Finish at each Mile
Boston Marathon 2010 Race Report-Pre Race
After having an "off" day at Boston last year I was certainly nervous going into Boston this year, not about my abilities, but about lining up the race magic on the day. I was so excited to find myself having a blast with my girlfriends before and after the race and lining up at the start with nervous anticipation of running an amazing race.
We got to Boston Saturday (after a fantastic Friday send off from my hubby and our friend G and N) and fought the masses at the expo to get a few Boston accessories. Not a necessity, but always seems that way :) Hit up Legal Seafoods for the mandatory Apple, Goat Cheese, Tortilla salad and then back to the expo for a few more things before heading out for a jog on the Charles. Quick 7 minutes in the hot tub then got ready for an early appetizer at the Hotel Restaurant and Bar with Kurt. Followed that up with dinner at Papa Razzi, which was excellent, I hope next year we do the same restaurant. Legs up for 10 minutes and then to bed for a good nights sleep.

Sunday morning headed out to get in a jog on the Charles and had our brush with fame. Ryan Hall and Sara Hall were out warming up for her mile race, then we saw Josh Cox cooling down from his 5k, and then Meb waved at us on his shake out run. All good signs! We joked about running into our running boyfriends and then headed to the finish line to watch the mile races and take group photos. Went to the expo and decided to order the marathon foto CD and one of the plaques, I was that confident I was going sub 3, I knew I would want to have the photos from the finish memorialized.

Back to the hotel then to Shaws to pick up lunch before relaxing at the hotel until dinner time. We are lucky to have a friend whose brother lives in a brownstone on Commonwealth and has a pasta party for us each year. All of our club members come, enjoy pasta, and talk a bit of smack before heading back to their hotels and bed!

Fell asleep surprisingly easy Sunday night, but was up and wide awake at 1 am. I think I managed to eek out 2 more restless hours of sleep before the alarm at 5 am. Down with the coffee, ate some breakfast and headed to the buses. After a short line wait we were on the bus and headed to Hopkinton. Arrived and walked to our secret meet up spot, changed and dropped the bags before jogging to the start. I arrived there with plenty of time. The sun was shining and I felt great. I sat on the ground until they started the race announcements meaning it was close to go time. As the national anthem began I got chills and then teared up as I was just so glad to be excited about this race. All of my hard work was about to pay off. I was stoked and ready to go for sub 3 as were many on my coral. There was no doubt in my mind I was about to run sub 3.

We got to Boston Saturday (after a fantastic Friday send off from my hubby and our friend G and N) and fought the masses at the expo to get a few Boston accessories. Not a necessity, but always seems that way :) Hit up Legal Seafoods for the mandatory Apple, Goat Cheese, Tortilla salad and then back to the expo for a few more things before heading out for a jog on the Charles. Quick 7 minutes in the hot tub then got ready for an early appetizer at the Hotel Restaurant and Bar with Kurt. Followed that up with dinner at Papa Razzi, which was excellent, I hope next year we do the same restaurant. Legs up for 10 minutes and then to bed for a good nights sleep.

Sunday morning headed out to get in a jog on the Charles and had our brush with fame. Ryan Hall and Sara Hall were out warming up for her mile race, then we saw Josh Cox cooling down from his 5k, and then Meb waved at us on his shake out run. All good signs! We joked about running into our running boyfriends and then headed to the finish line to watch the mile races and take group photos. Went to the expo and decided to order the marathon foto CD and one of the plaques, I was that confident I was going sub 3, I knew I would want to have the photos from the finish memorialized.

Back to the hotel then to Shaws to pick up lunch before relaxing at the hotel until dinner time. We are lucky to have a friend whose brother lives in a brownstone on Commonwealth and has a pasta party for us each year. All of our club members come, enjoy pasta, and talk a bit of smack before heading back to their hotels and bed!

Fell asleep surprisingly easy Sunday night, but was up and wide awake at 1 am. I think I managed to eek out 2 more restless hours of sleep before the alarm at 5 am. Down with the coffee, ate some breakfast and headed to the buses. After a short line wait we were on the bus and headed to Hopkinton. Arrived and walked to our secret meet up spot, changed and dropped the bags before jogging to the start. I arrived there with plenty of time. The sun was shining and I felt great. I sat on the ground until they started the race announcements meaning it was close to go time. As the national anthem began I got chills and then teared up as I was just so glad to be excited about this race. All of my hard work was about to pay off. I was stoked and ready to go for sub 3 as were many on my coral. There was no doubt in my mind I was about to run sub 3.


By now you all reading at home have probably figured out my goal wasn't 3:06:40. I've been doing some thinking about why my quads struggled once again in Boston and here is what I came up with so far. No fears I still plan on writing a race report!
I really think I just wasn't prepared for downhills. I don't think it is coincidence BB and SB who are training with the same coach and doing the same program ran so well and I didn't achieve my goal. They had one key difference in their training versus mine (other than that I am training at faster paces and doing more weekly miles), and that is that their long runs were on Saturdays in Chagrin and mine were on Sundays in Solon. I think they chose their long run training grounds better. That or my quads just aren't made for downhill running. I felt very similar two Bostons ago when I ran 3:22, quads shot before the half and shooting pain the entire back half of the course.
I am confident that on any of my long training runs the past 8 weeks I could have run a 2:59 if I had to. If I had been on a flat or even slightly uphill course the back half at Boston I would have run under 3:03, possibly even made sub 3. I think I underestimated the downhills, was too focused in training on pace and being strong on the uphills and neglected to do more pounding. I should have pulled a Dick Beardsley and punched my quads hundreds of times each day!
FD said my form was suffering at the end, but the photos don't look nearly as bad as I would have expected based on his description of how I looked. So I am sure if I had kept my shoulders back/better posture I might have eeked out 10 seconds per mile faster the last few miles, and maybe got a PR, but nothing would have gotten me sub 3 Monday given how my quads felt (other than a different course!).
I paced the first half even up through 17-18 perfectly to achieve the goal, if anything I may have been a bit too slow early on. But I felt strong through the hills, I knew the goal was likely out the window as early as the half, the downhills just didn't feel as smooth as they should for an on day. By 17 I was pretty confident 3 was out the window. I stopped looking at the watch and just ran as hard as I could hoping for a miracle, repeating that my body could do anything if I just kept my brain out of it, and that pain was temporary. I didn't really think I was doing as poorly as I was the last 10k, I didn't realize how much I had slowed down until FD passed me. It was pretty heartbreaking knowing with a mile to go that all I needed was a 6:40 mile to PR and having my body refuse to go any faster than 7:30, but I couldn't have done anything. This is the first marathon where I literally don't know that I could have run another quarter mile if I had to. That is the closest my body has ever come to locking up completely at the finish line (and with about a half mile to go).
Other than that, probably should have gone with a bit more cushion in the shoes, Brooks Launch would have been better. My feet were trashed and the pics look like I may have been heel striking, the lunar racers don't really have a lot of cushion to protect your quads when your form/foot strike suffers.
And perhaps the motto is when in Boston set the goals a little less aggressively, it's might be better to exceed expectations on a more realistic goal than fight tooth and nail to come up with the C goal when you were confident you were in shape for something amazing.
All that said even during the race I was very proud of my effort. Any normal human being in the amount of pain I was in would have quit before 20 miles. I could have walked it in and saved it for another day, but I would never have let myself live that down. JV said something that made me feel good that night, there's bonking, and then there's minimizing. I was able to minimize what could have become a disastrous result by pushing as hard as I could and still running 10 minutes faster than last year, less than a minute off my PR (that happened on a day when I felt amazing and the weather was perfect). If I can make that kind of effort on a day where it hurts that bad, I can't wait for the next day like Columbus where everything lines up.
One other theory floating around is that perhaps the taper was a bit too much for me. Given that I was feeling stellar going into the taper perhaps I didn't need to back off mileage and the long runs so drastically. Had I been feeling beat up or mentally exhausted this taper might have worked, but I probably could have done more and perhaps saved some lost strength that could have helped with the downhills.
Course conditions were next to perfect in Boston, on and off quarter headwinds, but never for more than a few steps did it effect pace. Anything over 40 is too warm in my books, but for most that weather was ideal. So no excuses there!
Humbled (In a good way!)

Can I just say I have the best friends and family in the whole world?
Seriously I am so blessed.
In the best shape of my life, just finished my 19th marathon, ran my best Boston time by 10 minutes, and came home to loved ones ready to treat me to desserts, dinners out, and just plain old relaxing on couches watching the Cavs win.
Someone remind me before my next marathon that I am never rational the first day or so after a marathon and that it will all look much better in the days that follow once I put everything in the proper perspective!
Thanks for all the love and support! Race report to follow in the days to come! In the meantime I have a lot of delicious items to consume, friends to catch up with, and a bike that needs it's tires pumped so I can still get out and train with buddies getting ready to run Cleveland in 4 weeks despite these sore marathon quads!
Distance | 5k Splits | Predicted Finish |
5k | 0:21:32 | 3:01:43 |
10k | 0:21:26 | 3:01:18 |
15k | 0:21:03 | 3:00:05 |
20k | 0:21:11 | 2:59:45 |
Half | 0:04:36 | 2:59:36 |
25k | 0:21:04 | 2:59:21 |
30k | 0:22:17 | 3:00:48 |
35k | 0:23:12 | 3:02:57 |
40k | 0:24:18 | 3:05:43 |
42k | 0:10:37 | 3:06:40 |
Chilling in the starbucks lobby looking through everyone's facebook posts and reflecting on the weekends activities. Not sure I am ready for a race report yet. Short story the AT&T Athlete alerts didn't work yesterday so the final results are a course PB and the C goal met for the day. My quads are thrashed and I am contemplating what I could have done differently or if perhaps downhills were just not my friends yesterday for no other reason than sometimes you need to suffer.
Had an absolute blast with my SERC girlfriends and I wouldn't take anything back (other than perhaps purchasing a few pricey memorabilia type items pre race).
Had an absolute blast with my SERC girlfriends and I wouldn't take anything back (other than perhaps purchasing a few pricey memorabilia type items pre race).
It's Here!
Boston Bound
Wow this week has just been insane with work which has made this taper relatively painless. Though I do have one funny taper madness story. (Hopefully I'll have time to do a post on that this weekend while relaxing before the race)
I always love marathon weekends. It is definitely a time when you feel like a bit of a rockstar. Columbus last fall was just amazing, the outpouring of love and support from my virtual and personal friends and family was overwhelming. I don't express my gratitude publicly as often as I should but I hope I exude my gratitude with my daily actions on and offline. I am certainly very blessed to have such a wonderful support team.
Special thanks to those that helped me to get "race ready" this week. To my coach for the training and the mental confidence that has come along with that I am eternally grateful. To my husband and my family for allowing me to pursue my goals even when it means living life a bit outside the norm. To my coworkers for the same. To my running club friends for keeping me honest and giving me tough love when I need it. To my virtual support team, seriously love you guys. To my massage therapist for getting my body "gumbified" and ready to roll. To my hair stylist for getting my 'do and brows race ready (a girls got to look good to go fast!).
Here's hoping I make Monday entertaining for those of you following along at home! But it's a marathon and anything can happen. Going into this one with the attitude that I can't fail. But if for some reason I do, that's okay too. I know that I am fit enough to achieve my goals, now it is just a matter of lining it up on the day, and if it doesn't happen Monday look for it to happen soon :)
I've set up the blog to receive updates at each 10k so feel free to follow along here. I've turned off comment moderation temporarily and added word verification for the weekend. Things will go back to normal around here though next week!
I always love marathon weekends. It is definitely a time when you feel like a bit of a rockstar. Columbus last fall was just amazing, the outpouring of love and support from my virtual and personal friends and family was overwhelming. I don't express my gratitude publicly as often as I should but I hope I exude my gratitude with my daily actions on and offline. I am certainly very blessed to have such a wonderful support team.
Special thanks to those that helped me to get "race ready" this week. To my coach for the training and the mental confidence that has come along with that I am eternally grateful. To my husband and my family for allowing me to pursue my goals even when it means living life a bit outside the norm. To my coworkers for the same. To my running club friends for keeping me honest and giving me tough love when I need it. To my virtual support team, seriously love you guys. To my massage therapist for getting my body "gumbified" and ready to roll. To my hair stylist for getting my 'do and brows race ready (a girls got to look good to go fast!).
Here's hoping I make Monday entertaining for those of you following along at home! But it's a marathon and anything can happen. Going into this one with the attitude that I can't fail. But if for some reason I do, that's okay too. I know that I am fit enough to achieve my goals, now it is just a matter of lining it up on the day, and if it doesn't happen Monday look for it to happen soon :)
I've set up the blog to receive updates at each 10k so feel free to follow along here. I've turned off comment moderation temporarily and added word verification for the weekend. Things will go back to normal around here though next week!
A Little Inspiration,
Curtesy of Ryan Hall. Thanks to coach and NA for forwarding these links in such timely fashion :)
Words of Wisdom: "With one week to go before Marathon Monday the challenging aspects of training shift from the physical to the mental. Anyone who has run a marathon knows how long (mentally) that last week can be. All the physical training is done. The only physical benefits to be gained come from resting and eating well over the next week. Crushing last minute workouts have no place in these final days. However, there is still time to prepare the heart. A heart that is free from all worries, completely trusting in your abilities.
So often there is the temptation to over think race strategy. We want to have an exact race plan that will be carried out exactly how we have visualized it. It's not that planning is bad, one should be prepared for whatever lies ahead, however there comes a point where we are over analyzing and putting more confidence in having to execute the perfect race strategy then trusting in our ability to respond to whatever is thrown our way. Freedom, in terms of a free-flowing race strategy, can be scary. It's scary because we have to let go of control. However, the benefits of freedom are great. It allows flexibility, an open mind, an open vision, an open heart to whatever the day may hold. It gives us the opportunity to receive the moment to the fullest whether or not it is the perfect race day or pouring rain. I encourage you to let go and run free and run like you can't fail!"
And Because Fast Boys in Short Shorts are always motivational:
Words of Wisdom: "With one week to go before Marathon Monday the challenging aspects of training shift from the physical to the mental. Anyone who has run a marathon knows how long (mentally) that last week can be. All the physical training is done. The only physical benefits to be gained come from resting and eating well over the next week. Crushing last minute workouts have no place in these final days. However, there is still time to prepare the heart. A heart that is free from all worries, completely trusting in your abilities.
So often there is the temptation to over think race strategy. We want to have an exact race plan that will be carried out exactly how we have visualized it. It's not that planning is bad, one should be prepared for whatever lies ahead, however there comes a point where we are over analyzing and putting more confidence in having to execute the perfect race strategy then trusting in our ability to respond to whatever is thrown our way. Freedom, in terms of a free-flowing race strategy, can be scary. It's scary because we have to let go of control. However, the benefits of freedom are great. It allows flexibility, an open mind, an open vision, an open heart to whatever the day may hold. It gives us the opportunity to receive the moment to the fullest whether or not it is the perfect race day or pouring rain. I encourage you to let go and run free and run like you can't fail!"
And Because Fast Boys in Short Shorts are always motivational:
1 week to go
Everything feels great. I'm mostly packed. Now I just have to balance the excitement with that last week of downers that comes along while trying not to be overly excited :) Now is not the time to lose focus for sure, but don't want to think about the race too much and drive myself crazy :) Work will be busy this week so that should help keep my mind off things.
Weekly Rundown:
50 miles
Monday-7.4 at 8:20 pace
Tuesday-7.9 at 7:27 pace with track
Wednesday-4.1 at 8:35 pace
Thursday-8 miles at 6:57 with tempo
Friday-7.9 miles at 7:33 pace
Saturday-3 miles 8:08 pace with 4*20 second strides
Sunday-12 miles 7:09 pace
Key Workouts:
Track: 3*800 with 2 minute rests, 4*400 with 80 second rests, 4*200, jog 200, 1600
goals were 2:53 for the 800s, 1:24 for the 400s, and 5:52 for the 1600. It was hot, windy, and I was running late. So I am happy with the night. The last 800 of the mile was rough.
Tempo: Goal 5 miles at 6:26 pace. Stomach disaster before this run so I was just happy to make it through it. It didn't feel as comfortably hard as usual, but given how sick I felt beforehand I'll take it.
Long Run: Just an easy conversational 12 miler. These runs are so fun. Hopefully at Boston once I shut my trap 20 seconds faster per mile will also feel breezy, at least for the first 16 ;)
Weekly Rundown:
50 miles
Monday-7.4 at 8:20 pace
Tuesday-7.9 at 7:27 pace with track
Wednesday-4.1 at 8:35 pace
Thursday-8 miles at 6:57 with tempo
Friday-7.9 miles at 7:33 pace
Saturday-3 miles 8:08 pace with 4*20 second strides
Sunday-12 miles 7:09 pace
Key Workouts:
Track: 3*800 with 2 minute rests, 4*400 with 80 second rests, 4*200, jog 200, 1600
goals were 2:53 for the 800s, 1:24 for the 400s, and 5:52 for the 1600. It was hot, windy, and I was running late. So I am happy with the night. The last 800 of the mile was rough.
02:52.1 |
02:51.2 |
02:49.8 |
01:24.8 |
01:21.1 |
01:23.8 |
01:21.9 |
00:40.4 |
00:40.4 |
00:41.1 |
00:39.7 |
05:57.0 |
Tempo: Goal 5 miles at 6:26 pace. Stomach disaster before this run so I was just happy to make it through it. It didn't feel as comfortably hard as usual, but given how sick I felt beforehand I'll take it.
31:49.1 |
06:21.8 |
Long Run: Just an easy conversational 12 miler. These runs are so fun. Hopefully at Boston once I shut my trap 20 seconds faster per mile will also feel breezy, at least for the first 16 ;)
2 weeks to Boston!

Weekly Rundown is in effect 65 miles for the week
Monday-6 miles 8:18 pace trails
Tuesday-9.5 miles with track 7:30 pace
Wednesday- Lunch 8 miles ~8 minute pace, PM 5.5 miles easy 9 minute pace
Thursday- 9 miles with tempo 7:08 pace
Friday-5 miles easy 8:44 pace
Saturday-8 miles 7:35 pace
Sunday-14 miles 6:43 pace
Key Workouts
Tuesday Track:
We had to head to the middle school as there was a Lacrosse game. The track there isn't great, surface isn't as soft and is lumpy in places, but it is still a 400 meter circle, so better than nothing!
mile warm up 7:35, 2 sets of (2*400, 800,1600) goal: 400s in 1:26, 800s 2:54, miles 5:52
1:27.35 (1:26.59)
1:23.54 (2:07.27)
2:53.35 (2:47.38)
5:51.12 (4:06.88)
1:25.92 (1:20.15)
1:25.18 (2:02.65)
2:53.83 (3:05.77)
Thursday Tempo:
Goal 6 miles at 6:26. Hot night (80 at start), garmin was acting crazy, was just whipped around mile 4 and just mentally bailed at 5 miles. Then decided to suck it up and finish the last mile after a bout of rest. Running with NC and between the two garmins the run was somewhere between 6:27 and 6:42 pace. Not the best run, but still a good workout.
Sunday Long Run:
14 miles targeting <=6:49 pace. Did this one at home, so not quite as hilly of a course but it was a windy day, so not a totally easy run. Averaged 6:43 pace, didn't feel exactly perky, but effort was doable and I am confident come race day weather permitting it will feel good. My dad rode his bike with me for this one so I didn't have to actually stop for water and was able to practice taking gel and water on the run which was a nice change.
Key Workouts
Tuesday Track:
We had to head to the middle school as there was a Lacrosse game. The track there isn't great, surface isn't as soft and is lumpy in places, but it is still a 400 meter circle, so better than nothing!
mile warm up 7:35, 2 sets of (2*400, 800,1600) goal: 400s in 1:26, 800s 2:54, miles 5:52
1:27.35 (1:26.59)
1:23.54 (2:07.27)
2:53.35 (2:47.38)
5:51.12 (4:06.88)
1:25.92 (1:20.15)
1:25.18 (2:02.65)
2:53.83 (3:05.77)
Thursday Tempo:
Goal 6 miles at 6:26. Hot night (80 at start), garmin was acting crazy, was just whipped around mile 4 and just mentally bailed at 5 miles. Then decided to suck it up and finish the last mile after a bout of rest. Running with NC and between the two garmins the run was somewhere between 6:27 and 6:42 pace. Not the best run, but still a good workout.
Sunday Long Run:
14 miles targeting <=6:49 pace. Did this one at home, so not quite as hilly of a course but it was a windy day, so not a totally easy run. Averaged 6:43 pace, didn't feel exactly perky, but effort was doable and I am confident come race day weather permitting it will feel good. My dad rode his bike with me for this one so I didn't have to actually stop for water and was able to practice taking gel and water on the run which was a nice change.
For many a marathoner the bane of their existence. I know personally the things that drive me to train for a marathon make taper time a rough time, especially now as my training has really gotten to a level worthy of racing the marathon. I tend to thrive on progress, I like seeing the mileage go up week after week, and the pace getting quicker. I live my weekly life not day to day, but rather hard workout to hard workout. The weeks seem to have flown by, but day to day seems to drag, it feels like last weeks tempo run was weeks ago, but tomorrow it will feel like it should already be time for a long run. So during taper when mileage is backing off and the goal is really to maintain and recover it is hard to control the OCD side of my marathoner brain.
I have successfully pushed and molded my body for this marathon and now I must spend 3 weeks trusting that the work has been done and that I will magically line up the right amount of rest and quality training over taper to show up race day primed for my best effort. I'm putting my faith in my coach and trusting that things will work out.
This taper varies from any other I have had before because this time around there is no doubt in my mind that I have done everything right to train for this marathon. Now I just have to trust that I won't screw it up during taper :) I physically feel fitter and faster than I ever have before and not only that I feel like this training block really primed me specifically for the marathon. I cannot express how fantastic my legs have felt the past 5-6 weeks. I am not used to this fresh zippy feeling while working so hard and it definitely has me excited for Boston.
I am very much looking forward to the next two weeks flying by and getting on the plane to Boston!
I have successfully pushed and molded my body for this marathon and now I must spend 3 weeks trusting that the work has been done and that I will magically line up the right amount of rest and quality training over taper to show up race day primed for my best effort. I'm putting my faith in my coach and trusting that things will work out.
This taper varies from any other I have had before because this time around there is no doubt in my mind that I have done everything right to train for this marathon. Now I just have to trust that I won't screw it up during taper :) I physically feel fitter and faster than I ever have before and not only that I feel like this training block really primed me specifically for the marathon. I cannot express how fantastic my legs have felt the past 5-6 weeks. I am not used to this fresh zippy feeling while working so hard and it definitely has me excited for Boston.
I am very much looking forward to the next two weeks flying by and getting on the plane to Boston!
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