Side Stitch Alert

Had to head to the Y last night instead of my group run. I've decided BW is right and when its under 20 I should be inside. The place was packed. There was one treadmill open and it was one of the ones I don't get along with. I swear the damn thing goes faster than the other treadmills. I hopped on and started and sure enough 6 mph felt like 7 mph. Luckily one minute in a guy jumped off one of the treadmills that feels closer to normal effort so I quick ran across the room and hopped on.

I warmed up for one mile easy then started into my tempo run, only to be greeted by the worst side stitch ever. We are talking searing pain. That hasn't happened to me in a long time. I tried the breathing tricks I knew and it made it worse. I tried clamping my hand tightly over the pain, but running 7:30 pace with your hand clamped to your side isn't real easy.

I finally ramped down the pace thinking I would have to forget the workout, but after a half mile easy the pain subsided and I finished out the rest of my planned tempo run.

What a pain though! I hope that was just a fluke, although it still is a bit sore this morning. I can't recall what exactly causes a side stitch. I missed breakfast yesterday and lunch was light so maybe I just didn't have enough nutrition?

I broke down and wore the mp3 player for the run. I am not sure if it helped at all. Time still dragged and I swear they turned on a heater directly above me during my second tempo mile. I felt like I was trapped in a furnace. Somewhere during my 2nd tempo mile my towel came flying off the handle and rolled under my feet on the treadmill. Thankfully I avoided tripping and falling and the towel just shot off the end of the treadmill. I didn't stop and go get it out of embarrassment but it would have been useful with all the sweating going on. Some warning flashed across the treadmill screen but I didn't catch it. I think it thought I had an additional person on there.

Every mile dragged last night but somehow I suffered through it. I kept reminding myself that if it wasn't hard it wasn't helping.

Here's the stats: (FIRST called for 1 mile warm up, 4 miles at 7:19, and 1 mile cool down) Since I seem to put in more effort on the treadmill for any given pace I modified that to run between 7:19 and 7:35 pace. Start the first mile at 7:35 and work my way down to 7:19.

one mile warm up 9:51.23
800 m 3:48.85 (side stitch)
800 m easy 4:53.08
800 m 3:47.64
1 mile 7:29.82
1 mile 7:24.67
1 mile 7:19.12
800 meter cool down 4:48.48


Kim said...

despite all the troubling circumstances, you still had a great workout! and what is with those treadmills that go faster than the other ones? they should be looked at damn it!

Steph said...


Holy moly, you are awesome! You are going to be the most disciplined runner on the planet with your treadmill training, esp on the crazy treadmill.

This is a really cheesy idea, but it has really helped me running on a treadmill (last winter I did ALL my long runs on the treadmill). I made a list of fun things to think about during each mile I run--menu planning, mental book reports, birthday list, 10 favorite songs, 3 jokes, etc. By the time I finish thinking about that topic, another mile went by and it's time to move onto another topic!

Keep up your super hard work!!! Best of luck.

Janet Edwards said...

Oh my goodness, sounds like one bad treadmill experience!!!

Laughing out loud with the towel problem as I have had that almost happen so many times.

I need to start running with you more often!! Sunday AM long run on towpath if interested!

Kim said...

Yeah, the old dreadmill. If I run on it at the gym I HAVE to have my own music.
Now that I have a tread at home, (and no excuses!) the TV is my saviour. And lots of old episodes of the Sopranos.

Vickie said...

Yes, treadmill training can be a pain and a challenge. Just getting one in this weather is a pain and a challenge. Good for you for sticking it out though. I know what you mean about the heat factor. I can never figure out why there is heat blasting over the cardio equipment and an Arctic blast over the weights. I guess you can use this for heat training.

Steve Stenzel said...

HOW FAR on a treadmill? You're nuts!

And those side stitches really blow.

Ryanaldo said...

I have had weird experiences with side-stitches and other weird abdominal pain when trying to use treadmills. Maybe it is neurological. Or magic.

Rich said...

I remember reading something about side stiches being caused by the diaphram not moving correctly (or keeping pace), and that deeper slower breaths would help.

LOL avoiding the towel incident!