TC and RH have been doing this race year after year and know the RD so he let us crash at his place. There were about 9 runners sleeping at the RDs house. As I waited for MT to get there I organized my race outfit. I guess I made quite a show of it so then all the girls discussed their race outfit plans. I think we may have shocked the heck out of young GR who is only 19 and has finished two 100 milers this year discussing our bra and underwear choices for the next day. Regardless I still stand by my statement that if you look good you will run well so race outfit choice is important!
At the start of the race it was a bit warmer than I had hoped for, but I had several things going for me: Since the race director had kindly let us crash at his place Friday night I had gotten a good nights sleep, I was topped off between two company paid for meals this week and the races pasta dinner, I felt anxious and eager to run.
MT, RH and I walked over to the race site at 6:20 and made a few trips to the girls room before moseying to the start. There were a lot of Cleveland runners at the race since it is only about 3 hours from us. We decided to form a Vertical Runner team and they let me join. I was saying hi to DP when he recommended I run with KM. Before the race I had pondered just following her lead so I went ahead and asked her if I could tag along with her for as long as I could hold on to her and she seemed amicable. I wanted to run a good race and figured staying with the top lady for as long as I could hold on would be a fun way to do it.
Saw a few other locals. Kim and Rob were there as well as Leo and Art. These guys are in their 70s and still going strong! I saw RH and knew he was a good pace for me since we had run similar marathons in the spring. There seemed to be quite a few fast looking ladies. WB who I ran with at the winter Buckeye 50K was there and looked strong. We all lined up at the start and got ready to run.
I lined up by KM and took off at what felt like a quick pace right away. We watched as Mark Godale flew to the front and I got ready to enjoy my long day on the trail. (As soon as we got past two or so miles of uphill pavement.) It was fun to run towards the front and I noted a ponytail ahead of KM and I and figured she must be ready to rock it cuz we were cruising. I wanted to have fun but push my limits so I just honed in on my group and started chatting them up. I guess I am a bit talkative for these fast runners! They all looked at me very strangely as I launched into a story about our company dinner at Brasa Grill Thursday night where we were fed large quantities of meat on sticks (They just keep on bringing out 15 different types of meat and slice off pieces for you until you say you are done) as we climbed the first hill.
We were off the pavement pretty quickly and I started to look for the huge downhill TC had warned me about. I had hoped to run with a Punxsy veteran but it seemed all those around me were new to this race. I pulled ahead of KM and the ponytail after the first steep descent. I felt good and had fun flying down the hill. Then it was time for a steep climb. I ran the runnable parts and trudged up the verticals. It wasn't long before we were running down Two Beer Hill and I felt like maybe this downhill was not so much fun. It was a bit scary and I had to really focus to keep gravity from pulling me down face first. There were men with cameras at the bottom and as I passed them I heard mutters of shock and awe which I knew meant someone had bit it and from the sound of it had bit it hard. I didn't want to turn back for fear it was my friend RH and just focused on getting the rest of the way down the hill and into the first aid station.
The course can be broken down into a few segments. It's basically an out and back lasso. Running out 3.5 miles to the first station then another 3.5 before you start the loop, run the loop twice then head back towards the start taking a detour up water tower hill. As I headed towards the loop and through mile 11.2 I tried to keep the status quo and stick with the guys I was with. We eased off the pace a bit as we started to gradually climb and finally headed into the woods. At the aid station at Buck Run (mile 7) I must have taken my time because the couple of guys I was with pulled ahead. I did my best to catch up to them as we headed towards Yellow Bus. I ran the bottom of the hill and the runner next to me asked if I planned to run the entire way up yellow bus. I certainly didn't but figured I better run the runnable portion because I am definitely not a billy goat. I was still following a line of three men and did my best to scramble up yellow bus efficiently. I did stop at the top to look back at the view and it was gorgeous. I imagine in fall it would be more worth the effort of the climb. I also noticed GR closing in on us and was amazed at his climbing abilities. He got up the verticals fast!
We ran a ways before climbing another steep but shorter hill, Cry Baby. GR finally caught me and we talked about the course and how there seemed to be a lot of downhill. That's definitely what makes the course fast but those ups are a doozy!
As we ran into the seven springs aid station I got my water bottle filled took a salt tablet and ate an orange and banana. Grabbed a Gatorade cup and did my best to keep up with GR. All of a sudden we were off the dirt road and running through a mess. I think it was old compost or something. There were just piles of grass and dead leaves and that led into a mud mess which I was glad to keep my shoes through. I think I went in shin deep here. It reminded me of the swamps in Never Ending Story.
I exited this swampy mix and all of a sudden I was by myself. The temperatures dropped here as we ran by a stream and the path got pretty rocky. It seemed like it was all slightly up and I kept myself running the small inclines by telling myself that KM and MT wouldn't be walking these, they'd be running them. As I climbed a larger hill we exited onto the road. I could see a man in a red shirt ahead who I thought was the RD who was running in the 2 man relay. I did my best to keep him in sights as we started to make the climb up Buck Run. This was all road and it was starting to take a toll on my quads. They started to sear with pain and the downhills were miserable. I kept pushing on. I glanced back to see a girl moving up on me quick. I picked up my pace and started to run hills I would have rather walked before I finally heard someone talking to her and heard her mention she was just out on a run and not in the race. She caught me and we chatted. Her fiancee was running the race and they were both training for fall marathons so she was out running while she watched his race. She let me know the next girl was about a quarter mile back. Definitely too close for comfort :)
The last uphill on Buck Run was steep but you could see the aid station at the top of the hill. I had my water filled but this time grabbed a P&B to eat on my way up yellow bus, I also downed a half cup of cola to try and get a little boost. As you went back in the woods you could see those behind you and I saw the pony tail from PA and then MT! I yelled at MT and picked up my pace. I wanted to hold them off as long as I could. The course was pretty lonely here and my quads were not happy but I kept pushing. I trudged up Yellow Bus for the second time, not quite as sprightly as before. Huffing and puffing as I ate my pb&j quarter. Somehow the pb had got on my arm and I debated licking it off but then thought better of it, pb & sunscreen & bug spray didn't sound too appetizing.
It seemed farther to cry baby the second time around and the smaller hills were starting to look like actual hills but I was determined not to drop off too much. Then it finally happened the ponytail from PA caught me. We chatted a bit and I found out this was her first endurance endeavor. She'd never raced a marathon or ultra, but said she had run 26 miles, just not in a race. She's training for JFK and said she wanted to qualify for Boston. I don't think she's going to have any trouble ;) She said she never wore a watch but wore one for punxsy to remind herself to take an electrolyte tab every half hour. That seemed like a lot of electrolytes to me but she certainly looked better than me and the guys at the aid station confirmed as we came into 19.3 together that I should also be taking that many. I decided not to get too carried away though and instead took one there and grabbed one for the road. The aid station workers encouraged us to move along, but I took my time a bit here and knew I needed to regroup if I wanted to still finish close to 5 hours. My quads were shot and I needed more fuel.
After grabbing a cup of cola to go and some potato chips I made my way back into the swamp. I just kept moving forward, a bit more walking this time around than the first loop. I kept trying to encourage myself up the small inclines knowing that others behind me would be running them, but I gave myself a break and when I needed to walk would. In retrospect I should have ran the ups and walked the downs but it seems like such a waste of gravity to walk the downs, but that was what was killing my quads. That and the pavement that I was about to run on again. As we neared the Buck Run road another lady caught me. She was in bright yellow and I think she had music going but chatted with me. I told her there was one ahead of us and for her to 'go get her.' I got to chat a bit with Leo here who was on his first loop. Since the hills were rolling you could see quite a few runners behind you and I looked back to see MT and a girl in blue. I yelled at her to get her butt up with me and she said something like "no way".
I decided to get my ass in gear here and ran up the majority of Buck Run to the next aid station.
After that aid station I knew that it would be at least an hour before I saw the finish, probably more like 80 minutes. I was still holding on to the sub 5 dream and thought I might be able to pull it off. On the way out it had taken me just over an hour but I couldn't remember how much longer it was on the way back with the Water Tower Hill detour. My bet was on a mile so I knew it would be close.
I attacked all the small climbs and the flats and did my best not to be too gingerly on the downs, but man did they hurt! One gentleman came flying by me here. I wish I had felt that good. I kept waiting for MT and the blue shirted girl to pass me and knew not to count KM out either. I climbed Water Tower Hill and made my way past two trekkers on the down hill. We headed out into the open sun. I think this area must have been strip mined because there were no trees or ferns, just grass everywhere. I finally had to stop for a quick pee break. Squatting sure didn't feel good on my quads but I think that was my fastest pee break ever! Plus it was 4 hours and 15 minutes into the race. I had been drinking tons of water so I know I was hydrated, it was just nice not to have to pee before the race had really even begun for once. I didn't want a repeat of Buckeye 50K wasting 3 minutes in the bathroom and I'm known for having to pee before 5k is even over. (I know it's the little things that make me happy!)
I was gaining on the woman who had passed me in yellow. You could see quite a ways through this section and I would keep spotting her but she didn't appear to be getting much closer. This section was tough. It was just long and boring and I kept hoping the aid station would arrive soon. It finally did show and I looked at my watch. I had less than 35 minutes to get to the finish under 5. I knew it would be close. The yellow runner was heading out of the aid station as I came in. This was the only stop where the volunteers weren't johnny on the spot. I tried to hand them my water bottle and asked for water and they handed me a cup. I had to explain that I didn't need a cup I needed my handheld filled :) I took another electrolyte tab, an orange and banana and grabbed some chips. The chips were nasty! I don't know why but my palette was not amused.
I trucked up the road knowing that Two Beers was waiting for me. I could see the yellow runner about halfway up and a trekker behind her. There was also a guy I had run behind earlier the first time through the outer loop. Throughout the last section I had conned myself into running most of the rolling hills by telling myself I would "get" to walk when I got to Two Beers. Hah. That hill was damn near straight up. You could not call what I was doing walking. I couldn't believe I had actually run down this thing. You literally could reach your hand out in front of you and touch the hill without bending over. It took me over 5 minutes to climb this hill. Like I said, I'm no billy goat. Right after Two Beers you went back downhill and then up another doozy of a hill. The downhill was torture and the up wasn't much better. If my quads hadn't been a wreck I would have been looking forward to what was to come after this section but I knew the paved downhills were not going to be kind to me.
As I came down the last steep descent I finally took a spill landing with my left foot behind me. Thank goodness I do yoga! The man in blue asked if I was all right and I told him I was fine, I'd be able to walk if nothing else. It was more of a shock to the system than anything else. I got up and ran across my last stream crossing. I ran straight through not worrying about wet feet. My toes were burning from all the downhill and the cold water felt great.
We finally got to the road and I ran as hard as my quads could swallow. I could see the lady in yellow running ahead of me as I crested each small roller. I really wanted to hold onto third and I knew if KM or MT came up on me in this section and their quads felt good they could take me easily.
As we reached a flat spot of newly paved black top the man in blue slowed to a walk. I looked at my watch to see it change from 4:59 to 5. I assumed he must have decided to give it a rest since he knew he wouldn't be breaking 5, but I had 3rd to hold onto so I kept moving.
I pushed down the last hill with searing quads. A runner going back out on the course said good job, I asked him how far but he didn't hear me and commented "Great Pace." I thanked him and kept moving. I was wishing I hadn't been so busy talking at the start and had paid attention to the scenery so I would know what I had left to do. As I neared a set of railroad tracks I knew that meant I was almost done. The guy in blue caught me and encouraged me in to the finish. We crossed in 5:05. I was very happy as DP walked up to congratulate me and let me know I had been 5th on our team and that we had won the team competition.
I wandered around the finish area, congratulated the two women who had finished ahead of me. The first gal came in at 4:55 and the runner ahead of me something like 5:03, she said she saw me coming and that gave her a boost, good for her, they both ran great races. I grabbed some pizza and some beer and watched finishers coming in. I was afraid if I sat down I would never get up again. KM cruised in for 4th gal and MT wasn't too far behind with WB following her. Us Ohio women are tough obviously! I found out from MT that the girl in blue was actually a relay runner, I wonder if that man that flew by me was on her team.
I wanted to see all my friends finish so I held off on showering. RH had a great run and won a masters award. JA came in great, I hope this helps her continue on to grab that BQ! TC struggled out there but she gutted it out and also came away with an award. Her garden is what inspired me to do this race, in the past the race gave out these garden stones for winners and TC had quite a few in her garden, I decided I needed one of those for my new flower bed :) I didn't really think I would come away with a top 3 performance, but you never know so I went for it. Of course this year they decided not to do the stones and instead awards were framed photos of the course. Still very nice awards, just not as cool as the stones ;)
I got to have my picture taken for the paper. Both the number 1 and 2 gals had showered and I was still all sweaty and muddy and gross, oh well. We got certificates for a free pair of montrail shoes for winning the team competition. I was pretty excited about that :) We took a few pictures with the groundhog statues. Vince from Vertical runner posed with us. He ran a fantastic race and a PR for him 4:04, 2nd overall. MT PRed too by 7 minutes despite having some tightness in her chest and arms.
The race director does an awesome job with this event, despite it being incredibly difficult I will go back again. The race goodies included a Punxsutawney Phil Beanie Baby, some Groundhog Brew, and a great technical T. Finishers received a bright hat and the pride of knowing they just covered 31 miles of some serious terrain. This course was fast but I think the downhills that made it so fast were also part of what made it so hard for me. So much of the course was runnable that you could just shred yourself out there. Then instead of the usual respite of a big hill it was more like climbing which was physically and mentally tough.
This race was the hardest thing I've ever done. It beat the snot out of me. My quads are a mess. My recovery jog yesterday ended up being a recovery walk, if you could even call it that. For the first time ever I counted the stairs in my house. 14! 14 of the most painful stairs ever. I ran harder this weekend than I have ever run in my life. I may not have run the smartest race but I gave it my all. I'm glad I ran hard. I realized shortly into the race that this was really my only opportunity for an "A" race this fall. Next time I'll try to realize that beforehand and taper properly. Now I'm ready to slow down a bit and enjoy some fun runs starting with North Country Trail Marathon this weekend where I may be walking the downhills :)
Here's some pics I got before my camera died. Hopefully MT will get her internet going and send me some of the ones she took this weekend too.




Race by the Numbers for the junkies like me:
3.5 miles: 30:44
7: 1:03
11.2: 1:42
15.1: 2:20
19.3: 3:02
23.2: 3:44
27.3: 4:26
31.1: 5:05
Fantastic job to everyone that raced this weekend! It was a big weekend with several local races and some big races out of town. Hopefully AP had a good half at River run and was able to tackle the course backwards and forwards (he was planning to do the point to point race then turn around and run back!) Congrats to Daisy on top 5 at Potato Stomp, to BB on her excellent half at Buckeye, to Jen and Matt on their great performances at DWD, and to all the locals and bloggers who raced Ironman Wisconsin this weekend!
E, I don't know if you were aware but Vince from VR had put in over a hundred miles in a week and run the American Discovery Trail Marathon on Monday finishing 5th overall time of 3:04. He then ran with you guys and posted his PR finishing 11 minutes behind first. I bet it would have been a closer race if he wasn't five days removed from a marathon.
Great job on your third. You are some fast runner
woa. that's AWESOME! Way to go, Elizabeth!
Your memory is incredible! I'm proud of you for going for it and leaving your best performance out there! Great job on your 3rd place finish - it was well earned!
you totally kick ass E! seriously you inspire me to keep striving for more....I hope that means something to you.
I get confused with the names in your blog being initials....I guess some for privacy? Is RH Roy?
Nice one! That's awesome that you were only five minutes off your goal time on such a tough course. Very cool.
Bravo lady!!! That sounds like you really gave it your all and were rewarded for your efforts!!!
You are really having quite a year!
As an FYI... This months Ohio Sports & Fitness Magazine is devoted as a Women's Issue. TC is on the front cover with three other women (Tri-althletes and mountain biker). Pretty nice writeup in the magazine if you want to pick up a copy. Its a free publications.
Congrats on a great race!! I was looking at the elevation profile for the course, and it looks like a fast one (wha?? yeah right!). You trail runners are amazing :-)
Here's to a fast recovery.
Nice job on the 3rd OA... and free shoes!!! Cool!
It sounds like you did great out there--good job! I had to laugh when it came to the part about drinking coke and eating chips :) Sounds like you're now ready for a fall filled with fun races!
This running novice is still in awe of the whole idea of 50K. Fifty kilometers. Wowzaas. And you actually ran it (double wozaas) and kicked it really well (triple). Thanks for the awesome report. I felt like I relived it... even if I couldn't finish it alive right now!
Wow! Good for you. You are inspiring me to want to run a 50K. Sounds like fun. Your finish time is amazing too.
You are simply amazing! Congrats! Wonder race report--the longer the better!
WOW, are you fast or what!!! Great job out there!
Great job on the 50K! You've really gotten into the distance events this past year!! Way to go!
WOW. You are just amazing. AND, I love the haircut!!
Congrats on the 50k!
Great RR. Congratulations on your finish!
You really flew through the course whereas I really struggled at it. I was hoping for 5:30 to 5:45 range after running 6:11 the year before, but I guess the humidity and heat did me in or something... I struggled with a 6:39.
We ran the YUT-C together also in 2006 I think it was, plus I briefly chatted with you at BR100 last year at the aid station you ran (I was crewing for 2nd place finisher Mike Hayden). I signed up for BR100 this year.
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