Kenny and Willie

Awwe these big guys tug at my heart. My attempt to post this via you tube yesterday doesn't seem to have worked so I am trying again!

Kenny is my fave tiger at Turpentine Creek. Idiot breeders bred white tiger siblings resulting in Kenny's deformities and in Willie having crossed eyes. I still think they're cute though!

This video got me so excited. It's so nice to see these big guys out in an open area with grass to play in.

Makes me think I definitely need to take a trip down to Eureka Springs Arkansas soon.


Unknown said...

amazing animals!

EostreEgg said...

So remind me to tell you about the stuffed animals at the Field Museum sometime. Makes you realize how much our society's changed in the last 100 years or so...

IHateToast said...

oh man, i can't see it. will have to look at home. bad karma for checking at work.

Anonymous said...

i wonder if that's Trout Fishing in America singing. aren't they from arkansas? there's a place like that in rhome, texas. love those places. saw a poor bob cat or small wild cat that had rickets because the owner fed it domestic cat food and never any bones.
wild, people!


these two are so cute. i'm surprised the schmucks who tried to get knute killed aren't all over this.