Weekly Rundown Speed Phase Week 6

Goal for the week was:

Total Mileage 70 - 75.

Tuesday: Track.
Thursday: Tempo run. 6 miles, If you can find a open track do 2 miles on roads @ 6:30 and
2 x 2 miles(3200) on track @ 6:15 with 200 jog(90 sec) between. If all on roads 6 miles @ 6:20.
2 days @ 7:20 - 7:40.
2 days @ 7:40 - 8:20 or slower at the end of one of these days do 4 - 6 * 100.
Long Run: 14 miles @ 7:10 pace.

Things got changed up when I decided to race the Columbus 10k so another weekend with no long run.

How it played out:

71 miles for the week

Monday- 6 at 8:50 pace (late at night)
Tuesday- Track 11 miles
Wednesday- AM 8 miles 7:24 pace, PM Late 5 miles 8:20 pace
Thursday- Tempo 10 miles
Friday- AM 5 miles 7:20 pace,
Lunch 8 miles 8:07 pace with 4*100 strides
Saturday- 4 miles with 4*100 strides 8:14 pace
Sunday- 3 mile warm up with 4*100 strides 8:30 pace, 10k race, 4 mile
cool down 8:20 pace

Key workouts:


Another solid track workout. Goal was 2*800 at 2:40, 2*400 at 79, 8*200 at 39 with 200 recovery jogs, 1600 at 5:42

2:39.23 (3:05)
2:38.23 (3:07)
1:18.85 (2:04)
1:18.33 (2:05)
38.80 (5:55)

Tempo run: change of pace this week aiming for 2 miles at 6:30 on the roads followed by 2*3200 with 90 second rests targeting 6:15 pace

per usual I struggled with this workout a bit, but still a solid effort.


10k race:

Solid effort and managed to squeak out a PR. Effort was solid, but not as strong in the middle miles as I was at Cleveland and Blossom. Race Report to follow soon with details!

1 comment:

Mark said...

Awesome week! Looking forward to the race report.