Harder than it looks!
Yes I ate that Prawn!
I may or may not have drank most of this bottle, with some help from my dad.
Some shot called a bumble bee
At the Disco
Winding down a bit for a few here before we head to dinner and Fiesta. Just got back from climbing the rock wall, it was crazy tough, I thought I was quite a monkey but I am going to have to get serious to make it to the top of that wall! I'll try again later in the week :) Last night we saw an amazing Brazilian Drum and acrobatics shows then did some dancing of our own before calling it a night. I managed to wake up and do yoga and run again this morning. Met a nice couple from Grand Rapids to run with yesterday and today. The loop around the hotel is about 2.5 miles so it isn't too awful to get in a few loops without getting bored. The heat is a little much especially after imbibing the night before but I am certainly not complaining :) Maybe I will try to get in a few doubles to keep the mileage up but minimize time in the heat. Tomorrow we are going on a Mayan Ruins tour so I might fall a bit off the exercise boat, but so far I have managed to maintain weight despite all the fancy drinks and great food here.
looks like SO much fun!!!!!!! hope you had an absolute blast!
Looks like a great time! Glad to hear that, despite all of the fun and food and drink, you are still getting your daily runs in.
Welcome back!
I love how you just checked it all out - from water aerobics to rock climbing to shots! We are headed to the warmth next week - you have inspired me to try something new too!
you climbed a big chocolate bar?
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