Your Thursday Moment of Zen

Pigeon Pose

I forgot to have David take photos of me doing this series so for now you get About Yoga Lady!

Here is an explanation of how to get into this pose:

1. From Downward Facing Dog, bring the right leg up into a Downdog split.

2. Bend the right knee and swing the leg forward, bringing the right knee outside the right hand while releasing the top of the left leg to the floor.

3. Square the hips towards the floor.

4. Take padding under the right side of the butt as necessary to bring the hips square.

5. Try the following variations:

6. Bring the torso down into a forward bend over the right leg.

7. Let the weight of your body rest on the right leg.

8. Continue squaring the hips and breathing into the tightness.

9. Make sure the top of the left foot keeps pressing down into the mat.

10. Come back up, bringing the hands in line with the hips.

11. Bend the left knee and reach back for the left foot with your left hand.

12. Draw the foot towards your butt, stretching the left thigh.

12. Square your shoulders to the front of the room.

13. Release the left foot, curl the left toes under and step back to Downward Facing Dog.

14. Repeat pose on the other side.

Beginners: Be sure to take adequate padding under the right side of the butt. If necessary, use several blankets or a block.


JenC said...

This is my new favorite stretch. I've added it to my daily routine, because it really stretches out my hips (a necessity for us). Good summary!

John said...

I remember that pose. I've tried Yoga 4 times and enjoyed it. If you keep posting these each week I can try it again :-)

Anonymous said...

ooooo, this pose is the single reason i do yoga.

A. M. Mericsko said...

I think this would hurt me!

Toasty said...

"Take padding under the right side of the butt as necessary to bring the hips square."

Can I use a car jack and a spirit level?