I Love Swimming!

Woke up this morning at 4:45 and really thought that I had set the alarm too early. I was exhausted.

Got to the pool on time and had a great group swim with two of the other triathletes and our coach.

It was a really good workout for me this morning I felt great, like I was gliding on the water.

Here is the run down (as I remember it):

250 yard warm up
2*50 catch up drill with the buoy
2*50 kick with kickboard
2*50 catch up drill
50 catch up drill, 50 head down, 100 freestyle
50 slow arm recovery, 50 head down, 50 freestyle fast, 50 slow freestyle
50 slow arm recovery, 50 head down, 25 medium, 25 faster, 25 even faster, 25 all out
6*100 at a 1:50 start time (always start at one minute and fifty seconds no matter how long it took to swim the 100)

I felt really good and was definitely pushed a little beyond my boundaries so that was nice. I should be able to be in and out of the water on Sunday in ten minutes or less. (I hope)

Tomorrow I get to rest! Thank goodness :) I am going to go buy slick tires tomorrow for my bike but wait to get the cages until after Sunday's race. So I guess I don't really get to rest because I will probably ride around a little bit just to get used to the slick tires...but definitely no more than a 30 minute easy ride!

Looking forward to Sunday :) Wish me luck!

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