More running, less blogging

I had an amazing run this morning. One of those runs you definitely should blog about. But I have been lacking in the blog writing department the past few weeks.

I'm here and I am chugging along and have gotten in some great runs while slowly upping my mileage. My body feels good and despite a horrible track workout Tuesday I am still feeling super positive about my running.

I just haven't had the creative bug and am totally lacking for words to do these runs justice.

So if I am a bit quiet around here that's why. Not because I have given up on running, or on blogging. Just because I am at a loss for words right now.

So here's some fun photos from the past few weeks to make up for my silence!

Serious Calfage

Taylor and I in a windy cab

Jayhawk and I post GMR

Eostre and I post GMR

And some stats for the past few weeks. (Since I made a conscious decision to slowly boost my weekly average from 30 mpw to 60 mpw)

June 4-10

Tues- Track 5.75
Thurs- 2 miles easy with Jayhawk
Friday- ~7 miles 1st leg of GMR and warm up
Saturday- ~16.5 miles legs 2 and 3 and running with Jayhawk on her second leg of GMR


June 11-17

Tues- 4.75 track
Wed- Flag Day 5K and warm up 1.5 miles
Thurs- 4 miles easy and yoga
Friday- 7 miles roads
Sunday- 17 Buckeye Trail Training Run

Total- 37

June 18-24

Tues- 6.5 Track
Wed- 5.5 Trails
Friday- 8 miles roads. Bike into and from work total 25 miles
Saturday- 4.5 miles ez
Sunday- 15.5 Buckeye Trail Training Run

Total- 40

June 25- July 1

Tues- 6.5 Track (Miserable! About 90 Degrees)
Wed- 6.5 ez roads
Friday- 7 roads
Sunday- 23 Buckeye Trail Training Run

Total- 43

I am getting excited about the Buckeye 50K. MT and I ran really well this morning so pacing her through her first will be a lot of fun. I am also feeling like if I can keep up this higher mileage a 50 miler may be in my near future!


Janet Edwards said...

Looks like things are progressing nicely!!

It is awesome that MT will have your support for the two will be awesome!

Soapin' Cindy said...

Glad to see you blogging again. I've been thinking about taking a blogger sabbotical...but just can't tear myself away. Maybe I'd be a better runner, if I'd get out there and just do more running. You really fly on those trails! I don't know what it is, but I can maintain a decent pace on the roads, but I'm a real baby about falling on the very slow. I feel good today after our first 24 miles of trails. I hope this is good enough to get me through on July 14th. It's a new frontier for me!

Toasty said...

Anything I say about those legs would get me into trouble.

Well done on the gradual build up.

Anonymous said...

Nice job on the running. Your stats are steady and improving.

A. M. Mericsko said...

I like the picts! Sometimes picts are better than words. At least that is what I have discovered with my blog posts! Have fun at the concert tonight!

Chef Bill Bailey said...

What's GMR???

IHateToast said...

how fast was that cabbie going?!

p.s. nice gams!

Black Knight said...

I am with Toastie: the silence on the legs is a wise decision!
Nice pics!

Full Metal Lunchbox said...

Good job, keep it up!

psbowe said...

Yikes, those are some serious calves.

Josh Dysart said...

haha! we all go through those spouts of "i want to blog, but i don't know what to say." don't worry, it'll come back to you. glad the runs have been going well.

Anonymous said...

Well it certainly sounds like you've been pretty busy. We miss daily posts, but you know we'll always swing by to check.

Keep up the great work increasing the weekly miles.

Brett S. said...

You girls were flying on Sunday. Nick and I took a nice stroll through the park to recover from our Saturday race. I think I like the slow pace so I'll probably be seeing you next saturday as you pass us in the pine trees or maybe even earlier.

Rae said...

Are you thinking about doing JFK again this year? I bet you would rock it!

Unknown said...

Great legs! :)

Good to see your mileage moving up slowly and steadily rather than in big jumps.

admin said...

mmmh. Wilkinson Sword does it.

bryan said...

them's some miles. great job.

Brett S. said...

I was looking through the unidentified pictures from the Cleveland Marathon and started seeing people I recognized. There were a couple pictures of you as well. I can email them to you if you want the numbers etc. I looked like you were having a good time.

Anonymous said...

OK, I am going to have to shave mine up and do some calf shots. Josh would be unhappy if I let those photos go unchallenged. Um, not the same josh who commented here...another trail runner Josh.