Weather Demons

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Clark Lake, Michigan

Swim 0.5 miles - Bike 13 miles - Run 4 miles

Registration is open, but filling fast! May have to cancel race day registration if things keep going at this pace. Shutting down on-line registration on Friday 07/14 at 6:00 p.m. if we don't fill before. Check this site for info before you just come out on race day.

Tuesday evening water temp was 79 degrees. Wetsuit rules on Info page. Predict 90-93 degrees and high humidity (no rain)for Sunday/ We have water & ice.

This is what is posted up on my race site that I am doing Sunday. Dear Lord that is hot! I whine when I have to run in temps above 52. This may be brutal! I have to keep reminding myself I am only doing this race for transition practice for Steelhead. Yikes!


Cliff said...

Looks like a scorcher....if it is around my neighbourhood i would sign up.

Trisaratops said...

WHOA!!!!!! Be careful out there--just relax and hydrate lots!! You'll be fine!

Jodi said...

Ouch. And you can't wear your wetsuit if you want the bling (if it's USAT rules).

You have to tell us how it goes! Good luck!

JamieW said...

Sounds like you have to bike fast enough that you are still wet for the run :)

Mojo said...

Have a great race! I'll know you'll smoke'm on the run!

Fe-lady said...

good training in case your longer race is hot too! Stay hydrated...I had trouble racing in Ohio as I am not used to the humid conditions! Wow...warm water (Lake Erie?)

TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

Hang in there and relax. Concentrate on your form and zip thru those transitions.

Have fun!

Stay tuned...

qcmier said...

I predict you'll be done before it gets stifling.

Have fun and have a great race!!!

Papa Louie said...

Have a great race! Remeber to take it one step at a time.

BuckeyeRunner said...

Should be great practice for you. I'm with Al - you will be done before it starts to get really hot! ;)

RunBubbaRun said...

Be careful out there, the hot weather can creep up on you while you are racing.. So take care of business and I know you will do great.. Just remember why you are doing this race.. Have fun..

Vickie said...

Okay, looks like I will be going down the day of the race, so hopefully we can meet sometime/somewhere. I will probably be the last one to finish, so that might be an easy way to find me! :)

The (IRON) Clyde said...

Girl, you are not kidding!! And with my TNT schedule this weekend is the longest brick of the entire program (3hrs bike, 1hr run), perfect timing.

I'll be out there as well in this crap, water, water, water, electrolytes, water, water, you get the point.

Anonymous said...

Yep. This weekend is suppossed to be Hot Hot Hot. The forecast just has an orange sun & says 'Hot". Good luck & stay cool.

Backofpack said...

That is some killer heat! Take care of yourself!

Steve Stenzel said...


Michele said...

Good luck on your race. Be careful with that heat